How do we feel about this 'Build Considerations' chart?

That’s another DA “buff” from latest patch. Minimal chance to hit is 55% now, so very high DA can provide up to 45% “dodge”. But that requires roughly 1200 discrepancy between attacker’s OA and defender’s DA according to TqFan’s calculator OA/DA to calculate your ETH? - #9 by tqFan. To get that level of dodge vs something like Ramzul in SR 80 (accounting for DA shred) would require you to have roughly 4700 DA which is not only hardly attainable, but also a very expensive investment with very litte return.

Do you give minimum benchmark for dodge chance? For flat absorb? For armor? For amount of +max resist? A generic baseline would be essentially meaningless because different classes and different builds have access to different defensive mechanisms. DA is just one of them. And honestly, I barely look at that number. Whatever number I end up with while optimizing the rest of the stats is the number I roll with. If I can get it for free I’ll take it, but it’s not part of the decision process.

So let’s say 2k minimum :smile: