How does resistance reduction stack?

I’ve been reading forum for a while and I pretty baffled, some of them stack some of them multiply, some don’t stack, it’s like a complete mess in a head now, I guess due to the language barrier as well. Can please someone clarify, for example, I have Will of Rattosh and Manticore devotions and Essence of Ch’thon on weapon, how do they stack? Do they?

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There’s a chapter on that


flat RR aka without “%” icon doesn’t stack but instead takes the highest on active.

with “%” icon they start to stack with each other, that’s why it’s quite important to get as many as u can to get the best damage possible, for example… curse of frailty (from occultist skill tree) + will of rattosh + ch’thon weapon for that beefy vitality% RR reduction.

That’s how I would explain it to myself the easiest and most simplest way.

But what if one RR is flat and another is %? Do they stack and how?

You usually want at least one flat RR because that’s how i think calculation works, the rest with % just increases it (boosts it).

EDIT: I forgot to warn you that if u plan to use these rings for example… you need 100% weapon damage in order that flat RR to work:

There are couple more similar instances but usually flat RR works anyhow.

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% one applies last (after “X reduced” and “-X” ones), and is a bit tricky. If the sum of your “reduced X” and “-X” are close to enemy’s resist, then “X% reduced” RR is almost useless. But if it’s significantly higher or lower, then “X% reduced” RR has some effect too, and the higher the difference, the better effect is.
Overall, it’s nice to have %RR too, if possible, but not mandatory, unlike “X reduced” and several “-X” ones.

This is false. X% Reduced doesn’t apply last but second. X Reduced applies last. -X first.

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Really? Should’ve forgotten the proper sequence over time.
The main point still stands, though - “X% reduced” RR usefullness strongly depends on enemy resist value (much stronger, than other RR), and unlike other RR, isnt really mandatory.

I agree. I even made some kind of analysis of this in the past Flat res reduction and ways to apply (and how important is it still?) - #4 by tqFan

It’s possible the sequence you mentioned might have been considered as the proper one a long time ago :thinking:

debuffs in GD gets pretty simple when you break it down:
general debuff rules (applies to more than just RR)

A: -%(minus symbol, important) stacks infinitely from different sources
B: %reduced, you get 1, highest applies (no minus symbol)
C: “flat”/n’th reduced, you get 1, highest applies
a+b+c goes together

^above rule apply to other debuffs too
like ex OA or DA shred

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