How far shall we go, hm?

lol 63 million hp, thats around 2.5x times the hp of a superboss.:zantai:

Freezebot comp reporting for duty

Seems someone forgot to have “Nupe. Nupe, nupe, nupe, NUPE.” as one of the dialogue options.

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At SR 160 you unlock Korvan Corn constellation


“For those that seek glory!”


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Well everything after SR 75/76 is only done for bragging rights and the challenge. So that will not change the situation.

Having more checkpoints can help you with reaching deep realms, since you’re not obligated to play constantly SR, you can do it in few days.

Also helps against unexpected crashes.


“This is bad game design because it breaks my immersion and other game-critique buzzwords that I don’t remember right now”.


It is so that Zantai can easily spot the builds that need to be nerfed :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice feature! No reward is great, takes away the frustration of losing all the loot when you arrive at an impossible boss chunk.

2 questiones:
Will the Death’s Waystone become available after beating SR75 or right away?
Will those dialogue options be unlocked right away or by beating the shards?

Shard 80, of course.

It functions like any other Waystone, need to beat the Shard to unlock the shortcut.

How far shall we go,hm?
Dagallon Purifier : Maybe 70 is enough :wink:

Only after you defeat an homage to the Spin2win Corn Boss from Castle Crashers! :smile:



Sounds great, thanks! Looking forward to failing miserably in SR81 on Ultimate and then switching to Normal for a nice and easy run towards SR160 (i hope) :sweat_smile:

Secret 4x celestial boss in shard 150+ or final shard of the game? pretty plz :heart_eyes:

“with disabled rewards”

Noooo, we need more chests, more loot to motivate us!

Push from the 75 checkpoint then?

Is it april fools yet?

Would be great if items, builds, and/ some devotionals allowed the player to be creative enough to get there through trial and error but seems to me when someone thinks of a way (baring outright exploits) it gets nerfed… so after a while the carrot starts to rot.

Does this shortcut apply to characters that have already completed SR80? Or after the patch?

After if I had to guess as it uses a new waystone. So you’ll need to acquire the blueprint to craft it which I presume drops at SR80.

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