How I feel about GD's endgame

I’m not a developer (although would love to try myself in this sphere) so i can only go off the data i have in the game. I’m watching (and remembering) Cruci gameplay from 2-3 years ago: there was always some degree of monster bounce. But it was way less frequent and with much lower amplitude. Monsters were closer and had higher chance to find an opening path to the player.

So i’d just looked into what was changed over the last years and when the shift came into life (there was a ptch with mob speed increase). Maybe fiddle with some of the monster (main offenders like Reaper) base speed, hitbox radius, while keeping infinite aggro range. Maybe try to implement some hard stop to monster movement if it tries to approach you for over X seconds but the factual distance is not closing. My uneducated guess is monster bounce has very high snowball effect because just one bouncing mob will drastically affect other mobs’ pathing. So some conditional hard stop could help.

That’s an extremely positive outlook on the low gamemode traction. The more realistic guess is just that not enough people like it.

There are a lot of good things about fighting multiple Nemesis from a fixed pool, indeed gives you agency to plan your run. But when both Reapers are having a seizure and slowly die from AoE and collateral while you are fighting lone and sad Maiden, it doesn’t look like an intended gameplay and kinda invalidates most of the planning you’d done to prepare to it, isn’t it?

Rest of your comment is not only off endgame topic, it’s also quite offensive. I’m inclined to believe i’ve done my fair share of good to the game to ensure i’m interested in it and want it to get better, and that my feedback is worth consideration. You can disagree, but please, keep it civil.