Hybrid Ret build that can kill bosses/ranged faster

I’m wondering if there was a retaliation build that had something to handle bosses and ranged, other than just reflect and running off to watch an episode of something on TV.

There’s TZ Tz’s hybrid Lightning Retaliation build that got posted some updates ago.

It’s not retaliation damage but my recent Counter-Hit build might also interest you as it does work similar to retaliation.

you should take build who reflect all dammage.

I’ve read that reflect does low damage because it’s based on mob damage, whereas retaliation does much higher damage because it’s based on flat damage modified only by +ret%.

Makes sense. A mob walks up to you and hits you for 100 damage. 100% reflect means they take 100 damage. Whereas you have 150 physical ret damage multiplied by 1000+%. Even if you max out at 400% reflect, you’re still doing less than half the damage of ret attack.

Question: Does reflect mean you don’t get hit for whatever damage %? It is like an absorb + damage to enemy? If that’s the case, does it hard cap? I mean, 100% absorb would mean you can’t be damaged?

This isn’t just it either. Bosses have % reflected damage reduction, Alkamos for instance has 50% to this.