I lit the bonfire!1!!

currently watching this video over and over again

Oh, also making molotov cocktail skill for outlaw arsonists…

Some days are just like that! :slight_smile:

aaaaannnnnddddddd…that’s basically my experience with the game in a nutshell :smiley:

Although he sucked way worse then I did, I actually ended up getting past that part and pretty far into the second mission or whatever. It’s cool they made a game that a lot of people seem to really like, for me though, it’s more like self flagellation.


I wanna play!

In other news - Molotov cocktail sounds fun.

adds Allan Frankland on his things-to-blame list between lag and typekill

Ahhhh Dark Souls… What an awesome game it is.

It’s funny how that game didn’t make me rage quit more than once even though I died literally hundreds of times. A game where you can’t blame the game being cheap, but the deaths are mostly avoidable with pure observation and skill. That one rage quitting came from the only cheap part of the game, two hints, “Anor Londo” and “archers”, the ones who played through probably know what I’m talking about.

As for the molotov cocktails, I’m digging those in almost every game they are in, so a very welcome addition!

Ah-hah… That was funny.

As it happens, I just started playing Dark Souls today. I’m both relieved and a little disappointed that I managed to beat that boss on only my second attempt and without taking any damage, after all the whining about the game’s difficulty.

( … only to get smashed by the next boss I encountered. But so far so good. )

Note to self: I really should know better than to read the comments on YouTube clips. Bah. :frowning:

Good to hear about the molotov, sounds fun.

I was a bit disappointed in the video to be honest. I’d watched Angry Joe’s let’s play of Dark Souls last night and found it much more entertaining. The only thing I could think when watching this guy’s video is: he’s trying way too hard to be funny. I appreciate someone making funny comments and getting frustrated, but this guy just kind of ranted loudly in my ear for 4 minutes. I’m fine with strong language, but this guy’s comments consisted primarily of the F word for no reason other than to sound cool.

It was also apparent to me, even though I’ve never played the game, that he was terrible at this game. I mean, why would you fight a skeleton in a narrow corridor while an archer shoots at you when it would be much more intelligent to drag the melee guy around the corner and beat on him. Instead he kept getting stun locked to death while swinging his shield around aimlessly.

Heh, I had a fit of laughing out loud in the office. Poor people around did not see that coming. =D =D

YES!!! Cool stuff, medierra, THANKS for the update! =)

Mmmm Molotov Cocktails. Fire. Explosions. I’m in heaven.
Sounds Great Med, Looks like a perfect addition to my Pyro/Fire style characters.

Dunno the game, but love the voice.

Funny. I actually had to turn down the sound as much as possible because the voice was so obnoxious (to me).

Yeah, I found the guy to be more of a crank than a real player. Obnoxious is a good way to put it.

He reminded me of Joe in Family Guy. Dunno what else you’d watch that vid for tbh…

Yeah, I had to rage-quit the video because of him :wink:

I was still able to hear him and parts of it were funny, especially the first scene.

I have watched that video like 5 times already, it makes me laugh hard!

When he says, “WHY?. WHY? and rainbows and sprinkles”
I lit the Bonfire again!

Dark souls - good game anyway))

didn’t watch the video, the voice was too annoying for my tastes

Reminds me of…Myself when I tried Dead Space 2 in zealot mode ^^"…