I use to have a cool Apostate, then Zantai released

GT link here, it was one of my favourite BD which contain PlayerDamage and PetDamage, but now I have to abandon it in 1162.

At less I have a video to commemorate It, hope you guys could open it.

SR80-81 video

To be exact, this is not a Pet build but a mage, Pets only devote small part of total damage. I don’t know how exactly damage could Pets deal, but every times I use ‘Pet Attack’, target always die faster than others, guass about 30%.

show me on this grimtools doll where he touched your build.

How dead is it?



So before we resort to dramatic thread titles (damn’t too late), is the summary of what your build lost the flat Aether damage on the gloves and the % Cold to Aether conversion for pets on the set?

Yes, and the % Vitality to Aether for Skeleton from devotion Revenant on the Off-Hand, 5 Wraith and 6 Skeleton could deal above 150k DPS (I feel) thanks for 168% high resistance reduction before

I clicked the Reply button under the comment, but I don’t see any Reply counts, guass have to quote it?

I approve of the removal of the Vit > Aether conversion on the Codex from a set versatility / build variety standpoint; it seems to give Vitality-focused Diviners more of a chance to shine than before (and there are still other options out there for things like Aether Devastation). If the conversion was that important to your build, there are other Vit > Aether items out there that you could try using instead.

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I still don’t understand why Cold > Aether for Pets was removed. Why does every necromancer related have to be Vitality for pets?

We were making progress with first the Ghol set and now removing all the Vit conversion from Lost souls, only for it to pop up in Diviner’s.

I liked my Aether Pets :sob:

Can none set Pure Elemental 3 Reap Spirit for Necromancer.
2 Familiar + 3 Reap Spirit + 3 Blight Fiend
U know that have hundred way for Summoner,
no matter change or nerf.

True, but I would have preferred to see more support for Aether Pet builds, not remove them from the game :frowning:

Why must Aether, u can Chaos or Pierce.
Pet body will not change color. the only different is damage name. even u can’t feel change. hahaha…

You cannot create a Pierce Pet build :neutral_face:

Chaos is possible. But I want more variety, not less.

For example, imagine removing options for cold and fire pet builds because Lightning exists.

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Aether pets were one of those things where we thought…there’s so little item support, surely nobody’s made this viable…well sometimes we are wrong. We’ll look into returning the relevant stats in some way.


But for my builds cold >> aether conversion on Diviner was bad :smiley: I was happy when it was gone.

Z will have little bit hard times pleasing everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

To be exact, this is not a Pet build but a mage, Pets only devote small part of total damage. I don’t know how exactly damage could Pets deal, but every times I use ‘Pet Attack’, target always die faster than others, guass about 30%.

A significant part of that damage increase is the RR from Raise the Dead skeletons.

As of v1.1.6.0 they are no longer blocking enemies. Which makes them much less effective for ranged casters because they can no longer keep enemies from rushing you. They also may have a harder time applying the RR if they can’t facetank their targets but have to follow them around. They are quick but as long as they are running they can’t attack, and the RR duration is only 1 second.

In my opinion this should be reverted but maybe there are good reasons for the change. It is a very popular devotion skill for all kinds of builds, maybe too popular? :sweat_smile: idk

Revenant was and still is point efficient for builds vs. the alternatives, it also gives relevant harder to get stats on its nodes. Taking revenant often lets you comfortably reach a second T3 devotion where going for crown would force compromises.

If the Apostate could return, I would try to use Bonescavenger’s Deathgrips, then I will have 14 pets, that should be funny. As I know, no Pet BD use the gloves because pets killing monster never active the skill which make it looks a little be stupid.