I want to post a link to a build

but need to 3 posts, to do so. This is #2. :smiley:

And #3 which needs more then 10 characters. Really?

It seems to be working against most of existing spambots. So yes, really, if you want to post a link you really need to make three posts with at least 10 chracters.
Not sure if a special dumpthread for this would be a good solutuion… Maybe only when a new member is directly informed and lead there to do it if he likes to be able to post links… (i know there are better solutions to prove someone being a human, but obviously those are not used on this website)

but need to 3 posts, to do so. This is #1

but need to 2 more posts, to do so. This is #2

also have feeling that spamming post is stupid :/. This is #3

Well you don’t have t spam posts to be able to link. All you need to do is actually comment on 3 posts you find interesting and you know actually join the conversation being had.

i wanna send pm #2

i wanna send pm #3, and need to wait 30s??!