I Was Wondering.....

if anyone ever tried playing Grim Dawn without selecting a character class? How far has anyone gone before selecting their first class? I’m new to Grim Dawn but I’ve always tried unconventional approaches to games and while playing an alt I wondered if anyone has tried to complete the main story without selecting a class.

I recall a thread where someone beat the game without picking a class. They died over 100 times and it took a while to beat the game.

Do you happen to know if it’s possible to tie the special powers you get from certain constellations, like Scorpion Sting, to your standard attack? Or is it only possible to have those trigger on skills?

Devotion skills cannot be tied to standard attack

You can use component or item skills/procs for devotions

Thanks. I don’t think I’d try completing the story without selecting a class but I am thinking of seeing how far I can go with a hardcore character, on normal difficulty, without a class.

I think a very well planned constelation path and transfer some items and components between characters would be possible.

Normal difficulty is quite easy even veteran and Greater Fireblast is doing great for me and Im at Fort Ikon, but maybe with less %fire wouldnt be so good, idk, takes a lot of theorycraft

You’re probably right about normal difficulty. The object isn’t to complete the story but to see how many levels I can go on hardcore without selecting a class. Like I said in my OP I try unconventional approaches to games. I used to work as a research assistant for a college instructor who was studying extremely nerdy and boring stuff about video games but occasionally we did some funny stuff. I once completed the first level of Front Lines: Fuels of War using only the drone. But on the other hand I once played through a 30 minute section of Mirror’s Edge with a notepad on my knee writing down every possible interaction in the game and how it presented information to the player.

Yeah - I remember a thread where someone posted a character they had leveled up to somewhere around 40 or 50 without picking a mastery. Everyone thought he was trolling because he was complaining about how hard the game gets on elite. I believe he survived on skills found on gear and components, like poison bomb.

Well… that’s an accomplishment for sure.


It was that thread and i was way off on the death count.