Icon Art for Void Rounds, Void Weapons, and Void-Ward

When assigning a Devotion Celestial Power skill to Void Rounds from the Darkblaze Incinerator I noticed the icon was more blueish-white Cold-Necromancer in appearance than pink/purple/red Chaos-Fire, such as Burning Void from Seal of the Void is.

It might also be nice if the icon art for the “auras” from Riftstones (Void Weapons) and Imbued Silver (Void-Ward) looked different at a glance, so we could tell which of what we have up. In the case of double of either aura, it might be nice to just stick a number “2” (or more if that can happen) on the aura art to save space above the bar.


Do you have a screenshot of what the icons look like in game that you are referring to?

Double Riftstone for double Void Weapons auras

Riftstone and Imbued Silver, for the same-looking Void Weapons and Void Ward auras

Aether Weapons and Aether Ward have the same “problem”

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Sorry I should have quoted this section. I was referring to the icons you mentioned here.

A very chilly Void Rounds

compared to a more appropriate chaos lawn-sprinkler bolt redish Burning Void