Idea: Titan Pauldrons and Menhir Will to work with 2H Ranged weapons

So I was trying out few builds and noticed few items that works only with 2H melee. So I had this idea.

Titan Pauldrons - very good shoulders for 2H melee build. But unfortunately it’s so rare to see them used. 2H melee isn’t common archetype and most of the builds have that slot covered. And there are also freshly buffed Nemesis shoulders. So why now expand the usage of Titan’s? Only strong build which will be buffed with them is Valduun (probably) but it will be option for lots of non set builds!

Menhir Will - this is lot simpler. Outside of rare Runebinder Tactician ranged Soldier builds and 2H Cadence in particular is simply outclassed by Purifiers. So why not give slight boost to their defenses?