I'm also having trouble with nightsoil collectors

Makes me think that I should rename my main collector Uriah Heep

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When I was a child we lived in Japan while my father ‘commuted’ to the Korean War. Aside from every structure in Japan being enveloped in bamboo scaffolding, because it was all being rebuilt or repaired from WWII, my enduring memory is of the ‘Honey Buckets’ carried by the people that collected nightsoil for recycling as fertilizer, loaded onto “Honey Carts” and rolling odiferously down the roads and highways.
Unfortunately, the game doesn’t give me the option of naming the Compost Collector’s wheelbarrow the “Honeybarrow” or it would be irresistable . . .

  • And, Thank God our computers have great graphics and sound but no Odor mechanisms yet, or the game would be unplayable!

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

How about this. Build your neighborhoods around each market only as far as it can reach on top and bottom (or alternatively, left and right) and half as far on the remaining two sides. Use this place for your decorations, entertainment, rat catchers, bakers, root cellars, etc. Things that benefit the homes but don’t take penalty from industry and nightsoil. Then you can bring your nightsoil buildings in just a little closer to the markets without hitting the houses with a reduction in desirability.

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Actually, that is pretty much what I’m doing in a new game. I saw somewhere (sorry I can’t remember where) an idea of using a quadrant layout, where one quadrant is industrial (the things that bring down desirability), one is agricultural, one is commercial (that is, the functions that to not affect desirability), and one is residential. As long as I keep the industrial diagonally opposite the residential, it works well, and I can locate some composters a little nearer to the residential area.