Im thinking if trying to make my own mainmenu. is it possible?

I love the main menus from base/AoM/FG but i was wondering would it be possible to design my own and then import it into the game as a custom main menu (Not a custom loading screen)
Has anyone ever tried this or is this even possible?

Never tried, it’s probably possible. The buttons and stuff is easy but the back ground will be quite difficult and no one on the forums will be able to help you so you’re gonna have to figure it all out on your own.

I believe this is doable yet people stopped caring about it (I think)
This is from basics modding beginner’s guide

[Deprecated]Hard Mods

Hard mods are mods that do not need to be started explicitelly; They are created by modifying the main game’s database and / or resource files so that the changes will always apply without having to start a mod. Now this has different up and down sides and is also sort of deprecated:


  • Pretty much the only mod type that let’s you change the main game’s menu background
  • Does not need to be explicitelly started through the custom game menu
  • Allows playing mods with main game characters


  • You will not be able to play with players online anymore unless the persons you want to play with use the same modified game version
  • Usually very big filesize up to nearly a gb or more except for one certain exception
  • Deprecated as this is not really needed anymore unless you want to make a total conversion of Grim Dawn: This type of mod used to be required a while back as there were certain database files that the game won’t read changes from unless they get written into the main game’s files directly. This has been patched since and therefore is no reason anymore to use hard mods.

In general, usual mods are recommended over hard mods whereever possible as hard mods are a real pain for both modder and user as building such mods takes extremely long and you’ll get to build your mod very often as for users it’s a pain to download that big files over and over again whenever you release a new update of your mod.

However there is, as with most things in modding, an exception: If you simply want to modify resource files without a database then there are two more types of “hard mods” that you can take advantage of. I’ll explain only one of them as the second one will required a lot of files, too and therefore is rather even worse than the type of hard mod explained above but more on that topic in the practical part later.

i thought both GI and Grimaril? added stuff to the main menu background?
like Zeke statue and little animal?

Only Grim internals

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Main menu is just dedicated map that loads on game start. All you need is create new level with Editor tool.
Any menu could be installed same way: [Request] Main Menu Selection - #17 by GlockenGerda

I personally tried use main menu from alpha version, but it bit mismatched tue to changed camera setings.


that looks pretty darn dope there :eyes:

Looks better in the original


I am using it now. :face_with_thermometer:

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