First of all, let me say I love this game. 110 hours in over two maps in about two months definitely gave my moneys worth and will surely revisit it in the future.
In my second game I got to the point now I maxed out (1k villager cap) and defence from raiders is basically the only thing left. However, the fighting feels rather boring. The enemies spawn at certain random locations and just walk in single file into your gates. There is no cohesion in units except for the line up when placing a unit (with archers/crossbows in the back). But once the fighting starts it becomes an AoE mob and the enemy just uses its numbers to walk through your melee guys and killing your ranged units. This means ranged units are only useful slotted into your defensive building. So tower defence is the only way to engage in fights. It would be nice if units had a more physical presence on the map, making them locked in on engagement and taking up a certain amount of space. Playing this game really reminds me of Knights&Merchants from way back. This game had a very physical feeling to the units where once a unit is engaged, units will not be controllable until the engagement is over. This way fights become more realistic and tactical and could be closer to Total War kind of fights.
I understand combat might not be the focus of this game, but would be interesting to hear what the developers have planned for combat in the future and hope this input helps.