In praise of Solo Self Found

To be clear: I’m not posting to say that endgame is boring and that the core Grim Dawn community is playing the game wrong. Just suggesting that SSF can be really refreshing, and it’s worth trying.

So: just came back to GD after a longish break, and figured I’d try a fully fresh start. Got a couple of characters killed starting Ultimate on HC, and now have a lvl 50 witch hunter that’s doing quite well and fun to play!

I’ve been a bit frustrated with GD because so much of the game–leveling–felt like a chore to get to the good stuff at the end. Doesn’t help that I mostly play HC, which means I need to be more careful in leveling, and I still die every now and then. SSF has been really good: I don’t spend half my limited game time planning out the best get-out on grimtools, and my character can actually progress and evolve as I find gear that allows different skills to be better in different situations. Endgame with best in slot gear is all sorts of cool, but feels a bit static–plus, really far out of reach for the player that’s interested enough in the game to come to the forums, but hadn’t yet made it to the point where BiS gear is taken for granted.

Anyway, this is not as coherent as I hoped to get, but the point is: SSF can be really fun. Add HC Ultimate to up the challenge (and make your character level really fast! and die. and level fast with a new one right after : )

I think quite a lot of players do SSF. All characters here are basically SSF or simulated 🔰 Beginner Build Compendium - 86 guides for AoM & FG expansions

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Agreed. I believe someone posted a forum request some time ago for the game to have an easy SSF mode in the starting menu. I would second that request so as to make it easier to do SSF without having to manipulate files in the game save folder.

That is good to know–I’ve been lurking the forums for a while and just getting an overall impression that endgame is 90%+ of what the community here cares about. Which, again, is not bad, it just always seemed a shame that so much of the game content gets overlooked. Very much looking forward to the Ascendant mode with the third expansion pack!

Thanks, as usual, for the note and the builds.

Naturally, the people who post a lot will also be the ones who play a lot and who have access to most gear (one way or another).
Unfortunately, there isn’t really much to do, once you are at that point.
What’s left, after finding all your gear, is to optimize the build and take it as far as you can, be that “fighting Celestials” or “highest SR” or “optimal crucible time”.
And then moving on to make another build.

So that’s what you will mostly see in Classes, Skills and Builds - and that is one way to enjoy the game, works for some, doesn’t have to work for everyone.

However, ~90% of the playerbase never get to that point.
If you browse reddit or steam (for example), you’ll see that most builds posted there are fairly un-optimized, semi-self-found, permanent work-in-progress builds.
That’s just how most people play. But they typically don’t make posts about it.

I think an official SSF mode would be great, but it wouldn’t really change the picture.

If you think SSF (beyond beginner guides) needs more representation, I’d start a topic to gather stories and playthroughs or share your own.

Yeah SSF in GD can be lot of fun, and some can even clear SR60 on ultimate fairly easily just by using faction gear and mi that drop randomly. The only impact on faction gear from previous patch is the removal of physical resist from that black legion boots, otherwise they are a very cheap option for those who don’t want to use Dark One or Krieg sets

They still have their phys res, most boots were left untouched after initially losing their phys res on the test patch.

whoops, didn’t realize that :stuck_out_tongue:

I always write my beginner guides with the SSF/no shared stash frame: you have nothing in stash and you want a decent start. The guides in the link that tqFan shared can also be used as a new leveling experience if you haven’t played that particular skill or class.

SSF/no shared stash runs are great as long as you are aware that you’ve signed up for that challenge, and you want to dedicate that much time for the character. I do enjoy SSF runs mostly for testing beginner-viable strategies, but sometimes I just want to speed level and test out that item set that’s been sitting in my stash for years. :joy:

What is Solo Self Found? Does that mean just starting your character without outside help (with gear found by other characters?)

After being on a break for a year or two, I just decided to start a new game on ultimate and ehhhh… I can’t remember the leveling being this fast. I level faster than I find gear :rofl: makes it a bit tricky tbh. Everything hurts and while I’m level 18, I only have level 5 weapon :thinking: Good thing we have unlimited health potions…

I’m probably doing something wrong, but eh :smiley: it’s a lot harder than I remember.

Like a new player / empty save so no gear / items and blueprints unless I forgot about sth

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Seems normal pacing to me, I usually changing gears every 15 level starting at 5, so it goes 5/20/35/50/65/80/95 and it is also close enough with gears requirement tier

At the start I usually change a bit more often, as the specifics of the weapon don’t matter too much.
Probably did something wrong with my cadence build. I started a nightblade wps one later and had a much easier time. I’m thinking I most likely used to start at elite instead of ultimate :thinking: I definitely don’t remember gaining multiple levels for handing in a quest.

Is it still solo self found if you make a new char, never use the shared stash, but keep the blueprints?

Well play / define it however you want of course the thing is blueprints are very powerful and allow you to craft endgame sets near max level