Increase Pet icon for Eldritech hound and someother samekind please!

Eldritech hound as a damage and RR pet, should have an icon for convenient group fighting to see exist or not.
also like some stalwart 、swarmling 、Eldritech webweaver、Chthonian Hungerer Increase like skeleton icon for them please.
Icon will not cause any imbalance



what u gays think, give some advise.

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I would certainly take this if it could be implemented cleanly.

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I don’t think this is necessary for temporary Pets. It is usually very easy to tell when the Eldritch Hound is active and tiny Pets (like the devourers) tend to just replace themselves very quickly. Adding a bunch of extra icons will just pollute the screen and i don’t really see the usefulness of having even more Pet icons. Maybe adding these icons and then adding an option to enable/disable them in the options would be reasonable.

That’d be my concern… As an example - Primal Instinct + Bonescavenger arms… that’s up to nine pets right there. Add the other temps and permanent pets, it could get ugly… so, only if there was a clean way of doing it, I’d take it.

Also a way for us who dont see the best to enlarge those icons bottom left. Make it an option as well. I have troubles telling how many skels are up for example.

if u think one icon can pollute the screen, how u can accept GI function. I think GI function is pollute the screen.
when I play insect summoner have more than 18 Pets. how can I easy to fast found it ?
see this HP numbers function, is this pollute screen or not.

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And why do you want these icons for temporary Pets? Because, other than telling if they are active or not, there’s no real point as the information on their health, energy or status is useless since they always vanish before they can take enough damage to die. And some of them are meant to be killed off to make full use of their effects (the devourers). I don’t really see the point. Also, don’t forget that there’s people who play on lower resolutions and they could be affected by the excessive amount of stuff on screen. And using the UI scaling function will just make things hard to read for them.

First of all, you don’t know much about summoner build.
Secondly, there are very few players playing summoner build.
Third, Eldritch hound has been enhanced a lot. It’s not as simple as what you said is just a temporary pet. The primal spirit is also a temporary pet.
Fourth,lower resolutions player can choice to summon this pet or not.
Fifth,for me, these icons can’t play a key role. They just feel more convenient. It doesn’t matter whether they are available or not

First, I played a lot of Pet builds but i only play hybrid ones as they are simply more fun.

Second, i’m one of those players.

Third, i know very well the role and strength of Eldritch Hound as i use it on every build. Flat RR, OA debuff, particularly good on acid builds. But he is still a temporary Pet and his timer always expires mid combat. The information on the icon is not useful for temp Pets.

Fourth: so, people should just stop using the Pet and make their build worse to accommodate for this change that you want? The way you said this makes it sound like your desires take priority over what other people want to play. Also, you can’t stop Pets from equipment from being summoned. What are you going to say? Tell them to play something else? Abandon their optimal equipment? C’mon.

And fifth, if these icons don’t play a key role, why do you want them? Convenience? What convenience? I still don’t get it. You are not properly explaining how this would improve the game.

The translator may not translate very accurately. So we stopped arguing and let the official decide whether to add icons

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Fine by me. I don’t want to start a heated discussion over something so small.

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This suggestion may be acceptable to everyone。

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