[Inquisitor] Flames of Ignafar Transmuter

Well we both do know cause any major mastery changes would really make people loose their shit
I love this idea of yours cause it indeed is a nice opportunity to add more Aether Lightning support but it is unlikely to happen mainly cause they went out of their way to make sure Chaos AAR doesn’t suck donkey balls by introducing the Black Flame set for Warlocks

I can’t agree or disagree with this part since I have never done early game with the “final” version of the build
If it’s a pyro i level using DEE doesn’t matter if i plan to make a chaos/fire/poison pyro till normal/veteran is over i never play the actual build.

I would say this that robbing end game builds of diversity because of early game QoL/because someone doesn’t have that specific gear doesn’t seem justified. Maybe it’s easy for me to say this cause I never play SF but that’s my opinion

I don’t think there’s much need to be worried about being robbed of end-game diversity, since there’s nothing stopping Crate from making a cold transmuter available by other means. But if I had to pick one damage type over the other for the coveted mastery transmuter spot, I’d pick chaos simply because chaos casters currently have less easily accessible chaos-focused early game support than cold. Cold damage is already getting 3-4 new caster abilities in the two new masteries after all, so letting chaos in the action is only fair.

Use spoiler tags to name/describe them cause i must’ve missed this

[spoiler]1. Inquisitor, Rune of Hagarrad - the big fancy ice trap we probably all know by now, huge range.
2. Inquisitor, Word of Pain - deals fire and cold damage, goes up to a 6m radius at 16/16 points so that’s enough to be classed as a caster skill imo.
3. Necro, Bone Harvest - shoots out piercing and cold spikes in a 7m cone, can be transmuted for a shorter range but even more cold damage.
4. Necro, Ill Omen - I’m not sure if this one counts since it seems more like a debuff skill, but it does deal a small amount of cold damage at least.

Of course, I have no idea how powerful some of these will be in practice, but they seem good on paper at least.

More info here: (no idea who made it, but nice job)


  1. Trap skill is vastly different than a Spell/Caster skill

  2. Bone Harvest indeed is nice cause of Cold/Vitality, not going to argue here. Plus the animation looks badass
    The skill is similar to WK Might though i’d rather have something different

  3. Ill Omen is as you said a debuff skill so doesn’t count

I can understand where you are coming from with the lack of Chaos support but personally i’d rather have it on something besides FoI.
At the end of the day it’s upto them to decide but I hope this thread is productive in some way

[spoiler]True to an extent, but it can definitely still be used as a caster-like skill - all I need to do is just click a couple of metres in front of an enemy rather than directly on them. There is a short waiting time while it arms, but some caster abilities have you wait a second while the attack flies/drops through the air anyway, so…

Either way, at least this one is a cold AoE attack that actually damages bosses. :rolleyes:[/spoiler]

Well I’m not gonna use that Since I already have Ulzuin’s set I can use that with inquisitor / demolitionist except for weapon which already has loads of fire damage. Gonna find better skills. I suggest making a Ulzuin’s left Firehand Pistol and a right Firehand pistol and making Ulzuin’s torment part of the set instead of flamespreader and making flamespreader non set Edit: Why take flames of ignafar if you already have devil touch ammo in your weapon with deamon’s breath it’s basically the same only diffrence is deamon’s breath scales with your weapon that’s better in the long run right, raher than skill points based

FTR, I asked Zan on a stream a while back… No changes to existing masteries in the expansion. So no changes to AAR.

Some loyal servant of Ch’thon you turned out to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a serious note, A Chaos transmuter seemed very appropriate thematically and for opening up more class synergy, whereas a Cold transmuter was not going to bring much that the Inquisitor does not already offer in general. I could see potentially adding something along these grounds via an Item, though it would require some very specific itemization support to be effective.

You mentioned an Acid “flame”, but that’s actually something I was already planning to do via an item cause unleashing a stream of acid sounded interesting.

As to the questions of why an Inquisitor would use Chaos, the answer is they wouldn’t. Here is the flavor text for the Transmuter:
“Though it is rare, some Inquisitors have been known to fall from grace and embrace the very powers that they were trained to defeat. By channeling the void itself into the Stone of Ignaffar, it instead unleashes a torrent of tainted flames.”

That lore makes way more sense than any other explanation people have had. I appreciate it, and look forward to an Acid Spray thing as well, because that does seem awesome.

Satisfying reply I am excited for this Acid Flame you mention and would really love if in the future a Blue Flame/Cold Flame type thing is added (please make it freeze stuff :D)

On a side note: I am not a mere servant, I am the void itself :rolleyes:

While the chaos transmuter still doesn’t sit well with me the fact that we’re indeed getting some more interesting skills is exciting. Acid Spray - I hope it is strong and doesn’t say Dreeg

What else would you call on to magically generate Poison? Dreeg is kinda the only option in the lore. It’s not like you’re carrying around a massive tanker truck’s worth of Poison to spray around, so it has to be magically made.

Why does it have to be only dreeg?

They could call it Bile of the Abomination (the Eldritch Monster in constellations), Akeron’s Revenge, Balrazar’s “something”

They literally have a ton of options and could very well introduce something minor that uses Poison. Just because Dreeg is probably the strongest user doesn’t mean it has to only be him

And you need a tanker when you have pants with deep pockets

“Tanker Truck of Dreeg”. Everybody wins.

Or loses.

Better yet Dreeg turns out to be the owner of those pants we found

Castable Loghorrean Puke confirmed! :cool:

I thought the Abomination WAS Dreeg. Are they two separate entities?

Abomination is the incarnation of the flaws of mortals

From my understanding it’s “the seven deadly sins under one roof” if that makes sense

Abomination is Golgoran, the fiend that represents humanity’s basest instincts, fear of death and shadows. It has nothing to do with Dreeg.

Also, since when do you need to “magically create” anything from something in the Grim Dawn universe? I’m pretty sure poison existed before Dreeg, since Dreeg was a mortal before he became a god.

While the chaos transmuter still doesn’t sit well with me

On a side note: I am not a mere servant, I am the void itself

Chthon against chaos?
Sounds like mice against cheese.

Lore is quite vague on what the primordial realm of Eldritch actually is, from which those who dabble into non-chthonic occult magic tape their power. And the way it’s related to such mundane things like Acid, Poison and Vitality. :undecided: