Introducing: No Face

Hey people! I am No Face. I’m a professional videogame designer who lives in California (Bay Area).

I’ve long been a fan of Titan Quest (and IT). I have retail copies of both. I discovered Grim Dawn and pre-ordered it the same day. I look forward to being a part of this community and supporting the Grim Dawn devs!

Thanks for your support and welcome to the forums!

Hey and welcome! :slight_smile:

Hey people! I am No Face. I’m a professional videogame designer who lives in California (Bay Area).

Really? That’s kinda cool… :slight_smile: Welcome!

Are you by any chance related to Nothingface?

welcome to the hot zone :wink:

it must be nice to be next to computer games and get paid for it ( like us just without getting paid… )

Thanks for the welcomes, I hope to have some time in the next week or so to post some thoughts (pertaining to GD and TQ, of course).

To answer your questions:

1.) No relation to Nothingface. I clicked on your link, saw a big scary red logo, and cried myself to sleep before I figured out what it meant.

2.) I won’t lie, being a game designer is sweet… but, it’s a hell of a lot of work. There is a reason we get paid to do it. :wink: