Seems like every build I work on my friend is like “soldier/inq would be better for that” and he’s right lol.
I made the Winter King, my FIRST ever successful ice tank melee wizard guy, he’s a tactician.
I now have a brutal IT damage warder, and he’s tough as hell, but I realize I’m taking almost nothing from shaman and Inq could sub in and make the build a lot more powerful (they even have a SET for IT damage Tactician lol…)
Does shaman need buffs? Those bottom 3 bubbles are nice for toughness and health regen, but other than that if you’re using a shield there’s basically nothing there. (wendigo but without +skill the heal is pretty small)
I think Shaman is really strong right now since the last round of buffs.
Feral Hunger is super powerful and Wendigo Totem has always been one of the strongest defensive skills in the game.
1k heal twice a second?! Just tell me where to sign up.
Not to mention other things like Stormcaller’s 70% crit bonus etc.
Some aspects may need to be improved, but the current 2h Savagery and other default attack builds are in a good place right now.
while Tactician is great I find this more due the soldier mastery and the great gear for Tacticians builds then the inquisitor mastery itself. Items like Mythical Havoc, Mythical Reaver’s Claw(way OP should be nerfed IMO) and the Octavius set are pretty powerful.
The shaman mastery is pretty powerful currently with the buff to Wind devil and its passives. It already had a great auto attack replacer, a good exclusive skill and great WPS skils so I would not agree to buffing it.
If they need to buff a mastery I would be looking at the nightblade(It has a few Powerful skills but too many bad skills like Blade Trap and Whirling Death) and the arcanist mastery(skills like trozan and PRM can really use a buff)
The current rough order of power for builds in my minds are:
1)Ranged DoT builds
2)Soldier Melee Builds
2)Everything else
Dunno, every SnB Soldier based build seems to be top tier these days. Commando, Deathknight, Witchblade, Tactician, maybe even bloody Battlemage?
Has warder ever been the epitome of SnB builds anyway?
This, and even Warder being the king of survivability is arguable, Commando and Deathknight are tough as hell, even my Witchblade just can’t die in Crucible unless I do something very stupid.
While true at the upper end of gear if you don’t have much to start i think warder can still be a solid option. For raw damage though give me witchblade any day (talkin physical obviously). Tactician kinda splits the difference with their defenses better than WB but crit damage to oitpace warder dps.
At this point though i think commando may just be a worse tactician.
Also suppose deathknight is up there with WB now that spectral wrath nukes phys res.
And with word of renewal on command and seal combined with menhir I’d say tactician is the top of the heap now for tankiness and w seal/aim maybe even for tank damage
If I was to play tactician anything it wouldn’t be SnB given Witchblade, Commando, and now DK (shocking, but hey they gave it gear support) will outperform it. DW reaver’s claw, Silverbolt or gtfo is what I see in tactician right now. Octavius is cute, but it’s just another shield caster.
How would witchblade or commando make better S/B? Seems both would have less durability. I could see wb having more dmg w voidsteel gauntlets and chaos cadence but commando?
(physical) Witchblade has more RR = more damage. The second part of Blood of Dreeg (aspect of the guardian) gives you physical resistance. Tactician can’t have menhir’s bulwark and aura of conviction, so it will either have less damage absorption or less physical resistance than a witchblade. Seal doesn’t do much for big hits, shield builds don’t have trouble with lots of small hits. Also witchblade gets more attack speed. Capping resistance is ridiculously easy on both builds.
Commando: SnB build = colossal grasp is being used = blast shield is now 5s of might as well be invulnerability. There’s a large list of viable SnB options for commando between physical and fire. It gets more attack speed than tactician.
All of the gear that supports SnB just works better with classes other than tactician. There’s no overlap of RR types from Inquisitor with the high end SnB builds so there’s no sidegrades of say, firestrike commando.