Is there any trick to finding legendaries?

Sure, and I could had written some, playing HC and losing valueable gear really makes one to lower the bar and work with what’s at hand at the moment. Sadly, I easily get discouraged by other people posting their uber builds and stating that anything worse than 30 sec fabius kill is not worth posting, so I didn’t.

That’s too bad. I bet there are a lot of people who would appreciate those builds, especially ones getting into the game for the first time and wanting something to start with.

Easiest way is to farm Crucible with friends. Like two builds that can clear vanilla Ultimate but can’t solo crucible Gladiator can manage Gladiator together as long as there is some synergy between two builds and some resemblance of teamplay between you too.

If you have two players with high-end vanilla builds, you are going to melt everything in crucible Gladiator.

More players makes Gladiator even easier.

Friends is a cheat of non-socially awkward people. :cry:

Well prepared, high investment, high return :slight_smile:
not going to say with risk, lower it by getting good party or higher by solo.

I think there is, but legendaries seems pretty easy to find in crucible, Few runs and some trade can get you all you need.
So people want to show the best of their build.

Can crate give me an ally/mercenary to recruit. :cry: // from a bad internet person in SEA region. :cry:

Close to every ARPG’s high tier build relies on pretty rare and hard to come by stuff. That’s simply in the nature of loot hunting games.

After formatting my SSD with GD and GDStash on it, I’m having quite a lot of success with a vitality conjurer, soon done with gladiator and I can start farming challenger 80-100. That will yield around 3-4 legs every 20-25 minutes, so gearing isn’t that hard, you can get started with no items. Also, there was a crafted/faction geared warder guide a while ago on the forums, it might still work.

Yeah, I guess that’s true. It’s just that now that I’ve finished the game twice, I’m afflicted with altoholism :wink: so I keep wanting to try a bunch of different builds.

Glad to hear that. :smiley:

Well, more time invested means more legendary items, which means more builds to try out. It’s a nice vicious circle. :slight_smile:

True, except for the past few days I’ve been getting to level 10 and then starting over with something new! I can’t settle on anything!