Is this even possible or is this cheating???

If this is possible than how? I would like to be able to level up this fast. I have +51% experience bonus on my Spell breaker, I can clear the entire screen in seconds, I’m plowing through the game not wasting time on anything and at 21 hours I don’t come close to this level.

OP here:

Looks like someone is busted :stuck_out_tongue:

i just checked some of my recently leveled characters and i have an 81 at 21 hours, an 83 at 22 hours, and and 80 at 20 hours

also lets not forget that Most is lvling in HC.

The funnier part of OP is that he thinks i would need 20+ hours to cheat to 84.
I guess that’s the real part of his insult :rolleyes:

or the part that he’s actually using full exp gear to level, not sure which is funnier tbh :smiley:

Yeah that is totally doable and you don’t need an absurd 51% exp bonus wtf. OP you are not plowing through the game and you are wasting time :stuck_out_tongue: Just do every fast quest as fast as possible and kill only as much trash as needed

I think BoC is waste for leveling. Yeah you get a lot of exp, but it takes awhile on earlier difficulties there is no 7min veteran BoC :smiley: Better to just progress through game faster I think

You would lvl faster without all the bonus xp gear since you would be killing faster and be tankier, not needing to kite or whatever. Aslso looking everywhere and stuff like that slows you down. I always rush through, just doing quests and then farm Boc, you get so much xp there.

What’s your strategy for plowing through the game so fast?
Do you skip clearing the entire areas, are you even Revered with the Rovers by the time you hit 70?

oh yeah lol i always forget that I’m in a really small minority as a hc player

my times would probably rival yours if I was less of a purist regarding clearing screens, your kill count is about 5-6k less than my aforementioned characters despite being a higher level with lower played time

like I know that cronley and aetherials just give awful exp relative to other factions but for some reason I still kill them while running through the game

I guess my habit of 100% scouting every location is srsly dragging me down :cry:

You guys need to compile a guide on quick levelling. You really should. Would be at the very least just as interesting as your 6.98 sec fabuis kills :slight_smile:

Well most of us have access to mandates/warrants which makes hitting revered/nemesis extraordinarily easy. You will be revered with everyone cept legion well before elite ends w/o doing any bounties

Leveling fast is quite simple. Just stick to main quest stuff only pretty much, skip a lot amount of trash cause the amount of exp you get is just not worth the time. Helps to have knowledge of the classes for best way to level too. For example leveling as a dw nightblade is fucking aids, leveling as pblades spammer or blade arc soldier is 100x better. Speed through bounty list whenever you back to w/e camp and snag ones that are easy and along the main path. Don’t clear the damn map either! :stuck_out_tongue: It’s tempting but don’t do it.

Also lots of little things. I see some people leveling new char on strem and in act 1 they will go back to town like 20 times for each quest, faster to just stock pile the 15 or w/e quests and go back once imo. Know your prefixes/suffixes pick up the good gear and don’t bother picking up shit to sell cause all you need is money for pots. Loot whoring and peeping gear stats is a huge waste of time

I would be more inclined to help teach newbies like the OP how to level, if he didn’t come into my mogdrogen thread making posts like this:

There is a time when sarcasm is called for :rolleyes:

I’m not why it matters even if he did cheat. Having personally leveled countless 85’s and likewise having putting 1000+ hours into the game, it becomes difficult to stomach taking another character through the leveling process again. Nevertheless, the only thing that keeps me playing at this juncture is the ability to use a trainer to test out new builds that I wouldn’t normally have the time nor desire to legitimately level up.

Anyway, I don’t think “cheating” makes these guides any less effective especially for those of us who have put the time in and now want a more casual gaming experience. FWIW of course.

IIRC, back in January an average public opinion on this was completely opposite.

Leveling fast is quite simple. Just stick to main quest stuff only pretty much, skip a lot amount of trash cause the amount of exp you get is just not worth the time.

Really? Won’t you fall behind this way?

Twink gear + knowledge of game + skill and rushing = 84 in 21 hours.

Can we have this thread closed please? I don’t see it going anywhere positive.

As I said above, twink gear. Not everybody wants to do self-found over and over and over again. I only force myself to do it when I’m trying to provide lvl 1-85 feedback, as opposed to end-game feedback.

Wait, how can you deal 270k damage in 1 hit?

Shadow Strike

Crit on shadowstrike with plenty of resist debuffs and numbers like that are very possible with close to BiS gear. Other hard hitters can be execution, olerons might, etc… Anything with a high wep% scaling and crit damage.

Not sure what the point of this thread is exactly, but it is possible to cheat in GD. Accusing someone of cheating, true or not, is not what this forum is for.

Closing thread now.