Item level question

yeah im getting boring. but ive been trying to make some glass cannon and well, im low on stats, so a green item i need would need to have like 200ish less phys than i have. i could farm a lvl 50 or so green. so my question is this. can a lvl 50 green have a lvl 92 affix? or is it capped to the item level

tytyt for any help :blush:

if you craft the weapon, sure
but drops are tied to the monsters/areas level so affixes can only roll within a certain level range

also, how do you not get enough base physique to wear a weapon?, they require less physique than avg armours iirc

edit, yep, 662 for non heavy armour, and even a 2hander only requires 627 physique
592 if you go level 84 epic/legend legs, but then you still get enough physique for a 552 weapon lvl 94 1h mace or a 2h lvl84 mace

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ah damnā€¦thanks lol :yum:

well its some scepter with skills that requires like 500ish phys and i haveā€¦well lets just say i didnt put too many points in physā€¦zero to be precise :sob: so i was thinking maybe a lower version of that can also have skills but when i checked it seems its only +2 instead of +3 or somethingā€¦ doesnt matter, i abandoned the glass cannon idea and used the stat bottleā€¦

also as for armorā€¦yeah i was kinda using blue things i found on normalā€¦

i dont mind though, this is kinda fun :blush:

also! how did you know it was a weapon? i mean yes it was a weapon but i never said it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

a guess based on being a green that was needed (hence likely having skill modifiers which most armours doesnā€™t have) and having low physique requirement
+usually when people talk about farming a lower level item from lack of attribute, regardless of the specific affix level discrepancy here, itā€™s usually a weapon slot, being it missing cunning or spirit etc

well, after a few days of playing, i realize why no one ever lacks phys but can lack other two. seems to me that cunning and spirit are shit tier compared to physique :roll_eyes: glass cannons in this game simply dont work lol

back to the drawing board i guess!1

glass cannons totally work (maybe not against celestials)
just need to keep your "non-physique"defences in mind
layered defences, circuit breakers, make sure your HP isnā€™t totally trash tier from not getting physique
also, iā€™d venture the notion that going full spirit/cunning doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re a glass cannon by default (depends on build ofc) - as some builds can still obtain decent hp/da without plopping all attributes into physique
keep in mind you can get raw stats ā€œelsewhereā€, items can come with attributes, so you can get some additional free physique there, HP/DA as raw stat on items, component, augments too and in devos

There are even cunning based retal builds!