So in Grim tools, it will list weapon drops up to character and item levels up to 94. I was looking for an Underbog Flamethrower rifle. Now the one I have says its item and character level 90 but Tools does not list level 90 weapons. So are there level 94 weapon drops? My RNG is the worse in this game though.
The level of an item is the maximum of the level of its prefix, suffix and the item itself.
So in your case the level is determined by one of the affixes.
Looks like what you have is dropped from level 90-92 mob, so the base item is level 84 and the affix is level 90, making the item level 90. This is why I don’t like farming MI pre 94 level
So they are hard to drop now?
Err… They are not that hard to drop, just make sure that the mob you’re fighting with at level 94 at least if you want to use the highest version of that weapon with the highest affix level available
OK so i’m lvl 100 and the drops i’m getting are all 70 or 82. I just noticed when i add components to them they go up to lvl 90 when i equip them. What am i missing please?
Are you playing on Elite difficulty? Item and affix levels are limited by levels of enemies (and chests), which are mostly determined by the level caps of the areas. If you switch to Ultimate you will get max level drops.
Yes Elite Difficulty.