I've been gone from GD for 2+ years... what's new?

In this case it’s honestly just user error. Usually is anyway. Nothing that can’t be handled here.

Agreed, but for more serious problems rather than start a new thread just go straight to the source.

I didn’t hit the save button directly, but I did when it asked to save before closing.

I’ve spotted something. I seem to have two options when loading Stash Transfer in GDStash:

SC AoM (.cst)

I’m thinking the first one is the one I will be wanting, since it sounds like it is linked to the new expansion, whereas the second seems to denote vanilla?

However the second one is the one that is interactive and where changes occur. I noticed by adding 1 item to the Stash transfer in game, then loading GDStash back up. It did not appear it the first, but appears in the second…

.bst = Vanilla/base specific

.cst = AoM specific

.gst = FG specific

The reason why the second one is reflecting your changes is because you have FG installed. The only way you will be able to see the first one (in-game) is if you disable FG and leave AoM enabled. However, if you already loaded your old characters into FG these characters now belong to FG and not AoM and thus will not show up any longer in the AoM menu (characters can never go backwards, only forwards). You would need to create a new character (in AoM-only) to view said shared stash files.

Any stash files would have converted over to FG(.gst) however, the moment you first loaded these characters into FG. So they would effectively exist in both places already anyway. Do note: by “load into FG” I mean that any old characters would need to have completely been loaded directly into the game world itself, at least once, to have been converted into FG characters. Loading only to the Main Menu will not actually convert an old character.

Ah okay. So as far as I can tell, I should be using Softcore(.gst) to do all my item moving within GDStash? I can ignore SC AoM (.cst), or delete it?

I’ve also now loaded all my characters up in the game to make sure they exist in GDStash as FG characters …

Yup. As long as you are sure all the items in these files are present in the .gst already anyway you can probably safely delete it if you have no other reason to keep it.