Join us for a v0.9.2 Dev Livestream 03/07!

Too late dude :slight_smile:

The stream just ended 7 minutes ago at the :30 of the hour. They will be uploading it to YouTube, though, so you can catch the recording there!

Is it done the update yet

Stream is over already. Where’s the update?

patience… it takes time. I have been chomping at the bit too, but patience


Zantai said he had a couple of bug fixes to do he found during the stream so it would probably go live around 6pm EST.


I missed the live stream, when will they add tower integration to walls?

azM57G84VWMymKty tried it but saying invalid will try again

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still not ready, the code is ok

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The mod team replied two posts above you, saying they are still working on getting it posted with an ETA of 6 PM Eastern. You’ve got approximately one more hour (but also, they might need to take longer). Look out for their official message when it’s up.

Active 5:59 EST


the code is invalid, why?

It’s not, try again.

:sob: still invalid, I try all day long, why.

The words in red means: the code is invalid

Have you playtested Farthest before? If so, you don’t need the code.

any updates about when v0.9.2 play test will be available?

It already is.

I did not see anything under Beta participation.

Am I missing something?

Have you playtested the game before? If so then you should see the playtest branch in the drop down.

If not, then you need the code from the FAQ in Public-Testing Discussion

thank you for the info. Can you direct me to the play test FAQ page? I followed the link pasted in the v0.9.2 Livestream [] but it shows that “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”