Kilirian - yeah...what is THAT attack?

Playing HC I nearly lost my commando (dual pistol, tankyish) to Kilirian’s ranged "green"ish attack. Almost got me twice and the other times I got hit by it were NOT comfortable. He can fire that off often enough if I hadn’t used LoS on him most of the fight the character would be worm food.

I went to look him up on the wiki but I am very unfamiliar with attack types and the names didn’t match what the projectile looked like. I need to know so with future characters I don’t lose one to this extremely powerful attack.


I had a lot of issues with him on Veteran but his damage was quite negligible on Elite. I suspect the damage may be Aether but my resistances to that are only OK, so not sure what’s going on with it.

May just be some flat HP damage attack, though…

The blindingbolt, spiky bolt thing that puts a dot with a halo on top of head and causes fumble

Soooo, what does it do? Yeah, it’s a DoT, what kind of damage is it?

Halo on top of someone’s head is probably for the fumble, Flashbang does the same thing.

I was actually wondering the same thing today and was trying to look it up too. Ungoliax, the Gloomweaver, the big spider in Shaded Basin uses the same Blinding Bolt attack and I did that quest and almost lost a Sorceress.

I think it definitely does some vitality damage. Adding more vitality resist helped when I got into trouble with either him or the spider. It seems like it would be vitality decay since it’s a DoT but if so it must be a lot of flat damage. Maybe it works like Doom Bolt, where it takes a percentage of health but as a DoT? It definitely hits hard.

Yeah evidently it is blinding bolt. Found mention of it, and it’s potentcy, in another thread. The date on the post was March of 2016 and mention of it being a recent addition to the game.

I expect it is some heavy flat health based DoT, I am concerned to have to face him with another non-pet character at this point, and I shudder to think of what HC Melee players have to go through in that fight.

This is all new to me, I had fought him with a pet based conjurer and simply never noticed that bolt. This is on Veteran, Hardcore, so I wasn’t really expecting the need to have serious resists so early on, even though I lost a level 20 HC to that Queen bee that ripped my character up with a 1 shot super massive bleed degen from hell.

Its not a recent addition to the game. Kilrian has had the skill for as long as I can remember.

It is vitality damage but it is not mechanically a DoT, but a DoT-like attack. Let me explain this: Mark of the Wendigo and Solael’s flame are not DoTs. They apply damage for x seconds every second. The damage is applied in separate instances. Killrian’s attack is similar to Mark of the Wendigo, therefore you cannot reflect it back to him or anything like that. That’s also why you don’t see any icon above your character when he hits you with the projectile.

Your’s truly,
Dreeg :wink:

I kinda wish devs would get their color scheme worked out. Vitality damage, green color? Wat?

The database says it’s a 8 seconds debuff that deals 25% percent current life damage (+fumble and slow). Now whether it’s 25% over 8 seconds or 25% every second I don’t know. One sounds too weak and the other would kill you twice :stuck_out_tongue:

25% current life damage in Vitality damage, I assume?

If it deals 25% health damage over 8 seconds but with the ability to crit, then I guess it’s not THAT weak :stuck_out_tongue:

If its % Current Life it can’t kill you.

If we’re in Titan Quest, yes. In Grim Dawn, its a separate damage type and not resisted by Vitality Resist.

Then wouldn’t it deal the same exact amount of damage on Normal and Elite?

In my experience it seems to do %life damage, roughly 25% per tick. I know that if i get hit i have to heal through with potion or constitution. I try not to get hit. I have done him in ultimate as well as veteran and its the same, dont get hit :slight_smile:

So when I got hit by it on Elite it did very little… like it would tick small amounts of my HP pool…

%HP damage can miss and crit you, too.And since there is no resist for them, damage absorption and a solid amount of defensive ability are (afaik) the only things that help. Early in the game almost everyone can crit you, but if you follow a somewhat defensive devotion route then in mid-elite even bosses will miss alot, so maybe that’s why you feel like it does little to no dmg :smiley:

First time a met him on VET HC he was an issue as I wasn’t aware of the mechanics and that flying spike of death was really knocking my health down. However, once iId figured the mechanics out it’s pretty simple now. Just blitz whack him, move out the way of the crap he puts on the floor, couple more hits run away wait for him to cast flying spike of death and avoid… blitz in rinse and repeat.