Kubacabra Nemesis drops Nemesis Trove before all copies are dead

Just fought Kubacabra in the Ancient Grove on Ultimate and not sure if quirk or bug but the Nemesis Trove was available (and openable) before all the Kubas were dead.

Yeah it happens also out of public test. I think it’s been like this for a while: when you kill one of the smaller copies, you get the “boss killed” announcement even if some others are alive.

I feel like one random one is the “real” boss for technical purposes and the other are just copies without the “boss” aspect.

This might be useful to avoid dropping the chest 4 times, or granting faction rep and xp every time one stage is killed.


Yes, one of the 4 clones is the “real” one.


Kubacabra, The Endless* Menace :tm:

*Terms and Conditions May Apply, Kubacabra Reproductions and Facsimiles May Not Be 1:1 As Each Kuba Is Handcrafted: Bespoke Customizations Of Kubacabras May Not Wear Identically, Orders Are Limited, Act Now :smiley:


If only 1 is the “real one”, why do all of them still count towards the achievment for killing Nemesis bosses :thinking: Is maybe that a bug then?

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this was also always the case in regards to pants drop too iirc right? so chest is just tied to similar/same interaction