Lag in Windows 10

Hi Guys, I’ve been playing the game for weeks now and so far loving it. The only thing that’s killing the game for me is the background lag when my character is moving. I don’t have the best specs but I know I have more than enough to run the game. Here are my specs:

Microsoft Windows 10 (build 10586), 64-bit
Intel® Core™ i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
8.0 GB DD3
AMD Radeon HD 7000 series (Dedicated Memory 2.0 GB, Total Memory 4.0 GB)

I have been trying to fix the issue for weeks by trying what others are suggesting but to no avail. I already updated my driver to the latest version, I’ve used MSI Burner, added TdrDelay on my graphic drivers registry, disabled some graphic options and set settings to low or medium.

Attachment: DxDiag.txt

If you have Vsync/Triple buffering enabled in-game try disabling it and using/forcing the Vsync/Triple buffering provided by your gpu’s control panel instead. You will have to make a game profile for GD. I use Nvidia myself but here’s how for AMD.

I had the same problem yesterday (rapid microstuttering anytime I was moving) with the latest iteration of the game so I don’t know what changed. I also happened to do the major Windows 10 update (1607) the same day so I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not.

The steps above worked for me. Smooth as butter now.

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Vsync is already disabled, but yes I’ll try making a game profile. Thanks!

Sorry I wasn’t clear, the background lag when moving has been ongoing from the beginning not just recently. It was annoying but I try not to mind it.

Well I suppose you could try it anyway… It wouldn’t hurt. And the way you just described your issue sounded identical to what I just experienced.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Problem is I don’t have AMD Radeon Settings like what’s mentioned here:

Mine is AMD Catalyst Control Center, which I can’t find a way to create a game profile.

I’m so stupid. Found it, sorry.

Set up a gaming profile on your AMD card

[li]Make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the latest drivers for your card as well as the AMD Catalyst Control Center.[/li]> [li]Right-click any free area of your Desktop, and select AMD Catalyst Control Center.[/li]> [li]On the AMD Catalyst Control Center window, access the Gaming tab, and click 3D Application Settings.[/li]> [li]Click the Add button in the 3D Application Settings window, then browse to the .exe of the game you’d like to make a profile for.[/li]> Example: To add a profile for Battlefield 4, you’d select “BF4.exe” within C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4
[li]Click Open, then confirm the “Do you want to override the pre-defined profile?” prompts.[/li]> [li]To save this profile, click on “BF4.exe” and then Save. Accept the overwrite when prompted.[/li]> [/ol]

You may need to adjust one of your new profile’s settings in order to save.

Grim Dawn’s executable (for a Steam installation) is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn

Thank you. Can you help me with this.

That looks about right. Looks like AMD calls vsync vertical refresh.

Hopefully it works for you.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Still the same… :frowning:

And by the way I’m getting like 9 FPS.

Ouch man. Do you have cloud-saving enabled by any chance? It’s been known to cause stuttery lag similar to this.

If you disable it you may have to move your cloud saves to the local save location. If you are interested in trying Jaknet wrote a guide here on how to do it.

Otherwise I think under the networking tab there is supposed to be a button that does it for you but I’m not sure if it works or not.

When you disable it you have to tick the in game cloud option off and then go to the Steam library GD properties and make sure cloud is disabled there as well.

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Are you sure that is your only video card in the system and the game isn’t accidentally using an onboard inferior card by any chance? I looked yer 7000 series card up and it looks like they date back to around 2011/2012 but I don’t know how viable it is.

Looking at the GD requirements shows that the card meets above the recommended reqs tho.

I’m really confused why you would be getting that low of fps.

Are you sure your drivers are all the way updated? Shouldn’t you be using the Crimson drivers by now then?

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Yes, it is enabled. I’ll give it a shot shortly. Thanks man!

Well… I hope we figure something out. That 9 fps sounds way too low for what you got I think so something else is causing an issue here.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

I’m not sure. Everything is stock. I have a Acer Aspire xc 605 (i7). How do I know besides physically checking?

I can run other games smoothly like Diablo 3, Arkham series, Middle Earth, MK10, Tomb Raider, etc.

When you get a chance do us a favor and follow the steps here
For acquiring and posting a dxdiag for us so we can have a better look at your system.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

I hope so. Next thing I’ll try is to clean uninstall AMD and reinstall.

Thanks man. I appreciate the help.

Oh lol… It is a laptop then. That’s the problem. The game isn’t using the proper video card.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

No, it’s a desktop, but pretty small.

ah crap. i saw acer and got all excited.