Left click restrictions


Today I had an idea I was very excited about: having a dual wielding character using the default attack plus TSS every so often. Some kind of melee/caster hybrid. I was pretty sad when I realized most skills can’t be assigned to left click.

Suggestion: allowing any skill to be bound to left click, and use the default attack when the skill is on cooldown (just like for ABB). Loosening these restrictions would open up new opportunities :wink:

Can a mod do that by the way?

this would be very useful if someone does that like a macro.

Generally when a skill can’t be bound to left-click, it is because it would interfere with moving around (ex. Aether Ray or any ground-targeting ability)

That makes sense, but I guess someone who only wants to move with left click would bound “move to” to it anyway.

I really think that allowing more left click skills to work like transmuted DEE or ABB for example would be beneficial to build diversity.

[6 months necro]

Honestly I don’t see the harm in removing these restrictions.
Cheers! :smiley:

I’d actually like to allow LMB functionality where you can still get the weapon attack if skill are disrupted or on cooldown on hotkeys as an option, without the moving part.

You could have a tip in the loading screen saying “When a skill bound to your LMB is on cooldown, the default attack is used instead”.

Last message in this thread, I won’t bother you with it anymore :smiley: