Legendary drop rates

So I have 3,876 hours in Grim Dawn according to Steam. I imagine maybe 10% of those could be afk, but I’ve played a lot. I’ve played a good amount of endgame and have at least several hundred endgame legendaries.

I’m curious if anyone knows if all legendary drops are at the same rate, aside from legendaries that are explicitly monster specific. There are certain legendaries that I have 10+ of, and many that I have never gotten at all. For example I’ve always wanted the Judicator’s Signet set, but I’ve never found either. Dozens of Aldanar’s Vanity though.

Is this normal, or is my game broken?

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Sounds quite normal. Ofc it’s different for every player, but RNG does troll you sometimes. I must have got over a dozen Evoker of Elgoloth (seems every SR loot raindrops one) yet never seen some legendaries or epics yet.

Also if you’re ok with trading I have a spare set of Judicators

Actually I’d say you’re quite unlucky, but it does depend on how you’ve spent that time. If most of those 3k+ hours were spent levelling characters through Veteran and Epic and barely touching Ultimate or endgame, things will look very different than if you’ve taken 10 characters through Ultimate and done a good amount of SR. I’m currently sitting at 4.7k hours and I’ve found every legendary in the game naturally long before that, though I did have to do some farming to get stuff like Corruption of Gargabol or the full Vanquisher set. Judicator Seals drop for me at an ok rate and I’d say by the time I was at your number of hours I’ve found at least 3 pairs of them.

Keep in mind, if drop RNG has been unkind to you, you can visit the FG blacksmith in Tomb of Nephos, sink some currency in and craft a crapton of max level legendary jewelry. If nothing else works, this is bound to bring in results. Do NOT do this with the Tyrant’s Hold blacksmith or the Tomb of Herald Mathis blacksmith, Tyrant’s Hold one is inexplicably limited to lvl 75 items on Ultimate (I mean what in the actual fuck?) and the one in AoM to lvl 84 items. Only Tomb of Nephos duder can get you 94s.


Thanks for this. Yeah so I have 7 level 100s and five 90s. I do enjoy leveling my other characters so if I had to guess I’d say 20% of my hours are pure endgame with my high levels. I’ve done an awful lot of high level crucible and shattered realm. It’s not just the Judicator set, or how I get Aldanar’s Vanity all the time. Going off of the grim tools database, it seems I’ve only ever encountered maybe 75% of possible legendaries. But then there are a good number of legendaries I have at least six of. It just seems statistically weird. Are the non-specific ones all weighted the same?

I made some sample simulation once

as you can see it’s normal to have lagging items if probability is the same for every item.
Look how much time it took (my C++ program :wink: ) to get last 10% items -
3 times more time than it took to get the first 90%.
In other words - the last items are a nightmare to find and it’s normal.

I was comparing it to a hypothetical scenario of having unique drops if playing the same session all the time (which is not true in the end from what I remember and from other tests (?) ). We made a test with blueprints in 1 session and it became harder and harder to get new ones from chests spawned with command line in modded game. But it’s not 100% random as I remember hearing about some small pity system GD has that rerolls 10 times of something like that if you get the same blueprint.

People don’t have good statistical intuitions. If you keep playing, with every new legendary you get, the next new one is going to be harder to find. The number of items you’ve found is far too low for everything to be spread out equally and for big number laws to start working. For that we should combine results of 100 players for example.


Couldn’t tell you. From purely subjective experience I think all items of the same level that are not location/monster specific drop about as frequently, but I think level plays a big role. I feel like I get lvl 84 legendaries more frequently than lvl 94 ones. Aldanar’s Vanity is an 84 so that might be the cause.

If it makes you feel any better in my game it seems like 50% of Cairne is made of Mythical Aethersteel Arbiters.


I checked in Grim Tools how many high level Legendaries (not relics) there are - 735.

You cannot search for all items at once because Grim Tools is bugged and displays at most about 500 results at once - for example you cannot display 900 prefixes for rare amulets at once in Build Calculator - some will always be missing

Coupon collector's problem - Wikipedia
Coupon Collector Problem | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki

Basically how many Legendaries you need to loot on average before you get all of them.

They say it’s

For 735 Legendaries it’s 5275 Wolfram Alpha

Now if you see my simulation from the thread I linked - I assumed 5000 items and the program said 800 - 1000 days
which is 40000 - 50000 items because I assumed 50 items per day.

Now if you plug 5000 number into the formula from the articles we get 45472 WolframAlpha
which is right in the middle of interval I got running the simulation with the program
which confirms somewhat that this formula really works.

By dividing 5275 / 735 we can see that average player will have at least 8 duplicates of some item
before getting the last one but many more in practice at most as just 8 wouldn’t be very probable.


From my experience rings, amulet, medal are a very rare drop, even the epic one

I’ve read somewhere on this forum (sorry for the lack of a citation) that the game will attempt to prevent duplicate legendaries dropping in the same session by rerolling a legendary up to ten times before dropping it so it’s beneficial to do multiple Crucible or SR runs before quitting a game. You’re probably aware of this due to your hours spent, but I thought it worth mentioning.

Also I totally feel ya with those Aldanar’s Vanities haha.


didn’t someone say once, digging through the tables, that some regular RNG legendaries did infact not have the same drop rate?
like, (random ex), Stonefist rebuke having X higher table droprate than Y other legendary ?
unsure if that was actually the case back then and if so still is today?

granted there can also be a certain personal perception bias when it then matches your own experience, prior to the anti duplicate legend drop system, when you have 25 stonefist, 25 gutrippers, and 30 voidsteel gloves and 30 riftwarped gloves, with just “1” of all the others :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
just feel like i recall seeing a mention of rng legendary drop rates data-mining in teh times of yore “confirming” the skewed drop rates was a real thing, but as with a lot of my recollections they’re sometimes too just imaginary :sweat_smile:


Thanks for all the replies, really good thoughts here. I tend to think now largely it’s just the pool of items is larger than I suspect, and that I’m semi-subconsciously expecting them to distribute evenly, like one of each, when obviously statistics doesn’t work that way.

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I literally get a Stonefist every game session. Unironically.