Legion Retribution Quest Bug

If you’ve already slain the Herald of Destruction before accepting the quest, speak to Spellbreaker Moira but do not click on the option that you’ve already slain the Herald and instead accept the quest, you will no longer have the ability to speak to Moira to say that you’ve killed it. The quest log will claim your completion is 0/1 and you’ll need to kill the Herald again.

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i think that happens with other quests as well, key obviously being i missed clicking the "i already did it"option, - at least feel like/pretty sure i messed that up with more quests as well :thinking:

I only missclick the quests rarely so I’m not sure how many are affected. But if that’s the case for all such quests, I think it would be best to just take away the accept option if the “already gone and did it” option is there, similar to what happens with, say, the Iris of the Eternal Night quest with Riggs. If you have it there is nothing else to click other than “I’m literally holding it in front of you, dummy, take it off me” (paraphrasing, I think).

Not a bug exactly. Many vanilla quests allow you to pick them up as well as select the “I already did this” dialogue option.

True, it is probably the case for plenty of quests I’m not aware of. The difference is though that for most quest the player doesn’t have the chance to run into the issue cause they’ll run into the questgiver before having the chance to complete the quest. For this one you are very likely to complete the quest before accepting it on subsequent playthroughs, cause you will be passing through Deadman’s Gulch anyway along the main questline. It then just takes one misclick to HAVE to do the quest again cause you can no longer turn it in.

For most other quests the player has to just purposefully not go to town for a long while to not run into the questgiver before completing the quest. And even then, a lot of them work as I suggested above. If, for instance, the player kills Ravna before speaking to Douglass after destroying the egg clusters, the player won’t have the option to accept the quest again, they can only say you’ve already done it (unless perhaps the option reappears if you don’t turn in the quest in the same session you’ve killed Ravna in). The same is true, for instance, for the Pine Barrens/Shaded Basin/Tyrant’s Hold quests. I never turn those in one by one, always do the whole region at once then turn those quests in. Never have the option to rekill the target, the only available option is “already done it”. Again unless this changes if you quit out of the game and then go turn the quests in later.

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