Leveling process got less interesting

But at least I would learn that such MI existed and could return for better version if I really wanted.

why wouldn’t you go through an area to refarm it on ultimate if it didn’t drop, if you’re ok with crucible?
farming is farming no?

If it didn’t drop, then I don’t even know if given area has a nice MI for me. I go through 3 difficulties, to have 3 chances of finding out.


but but, grimtools :no_mouth:

No one said that.

that is implied. If the game gets changed to what they want, that is the consequence

I’ve seen this argument thrown around a number of times and it’s not quite true. The game doesn’t operate on one flat difficulty per se, each zone has a range of levels the enemies can spawn with. If you got into Elite as level 65, you’ll run into appropriately levelled enemies. If you go in as level 75, you’ll be overlevelled by like 6-8 levels for the rest of the base campaign, and slightly overlevelled for AoM and FG. If the level ceiling on these areas was increased by, say, 10 levels, monsters would spawn at the appropriate level for the completionists, while still remaining at the appropriate level range for the lvl 65. I.e. content rushers wouldn’t notice a change, completionists would get a more satisfying progression. It really does feel weird when you finish FG Veteran and then the majority of Elite until you enter Malmouth feels easier than the end of the previous difficulty.

That said, monster level isn’t everything. In general, the abilities, and overall danger level of enemies in base GD is significantly lower than in AoM and FG. When you enter Ultimate and everything is suddenly at an appropriate level (the level scaling is only wonky on Elite), enemies in the base game outside of a select few such as Nemeses are still a cakewalk compared to most of the expansion monsters.

I do think Act 1 on Elite should at the very least have the same level cap as normal AoM/FG.

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not in Normal, agreed. There is a hard limit of 100 though, so if you play through all of Normal and Elite, you are already pretty close to it by the time you even enter Ultimate.

So either you skip some content or are at max level in Ultimate Act 1. I much rather still level up until the end of Ultimate instead of running out of levels in Act 1. I also much rather am not forced to play through all three difficulties fully to arrive at level 100 towards the end of Ultimate. So from my perspective the argument still holds.

They added a potion that you’d like in GDLeague


Suggesting skipping content so you won’t overlevel to player who hates skipping content is exactly “missing the point”.
Also, how would you fall behind in level when game scales to a player? :thinking: Sure, zones have minimal monster levels but nobody is asking for such an extreme experience nerf… This is more about scaling things up, so people enjoying exploration and “completionism” won’t overlevel it content.

Forcing player to complete all 3 difficulties in order to reach level 100 would require MASSIVE XP change, because in Ultimate there’s enough XP to level 1-100 several times over… Nobody is asking for extreme changes like this.

Tbh, the best solution would be to significantly reduce XP gained from mobs below your level. Completionists would stay within level range instead overleveling stuff by 6-9 levels and nothing would change for players who like to skip and rush the content. No changes to scaling, mob level ranges, etc.
This would be even better than global XP reduction, because it’s way too hard to find a perfect value so players would stay within level ranges in each zone and in every difficulty.

Shame it’s -100%. Slaying thousands of enemies and not seeing that XP bar move affects my satisfaction from the game :laughing:
But the idea is good. We just need different versions of it.

that was based on the player levelling slower to accommodate for those OCD enough to clear everything. If everything always scales all the way, that obviously would not be a problem. The problem then is that you reach level 100 much too early.

If that is what you want, play a mod that does this.

that only works so far, because it means you are basically done levelling during Ultimate Act 1, so it does catch up to you…

that is already the case, at least once they are a few levels below you

kinda what you are advocating for, except that it affects you towards the end, when you reach level 100 much too early relative to the amount of content

Maybe Crate could add a similar potion to the game? reduce xp rate by 50%, or make it a settings toggle, so the “handful” of people that enjoy slow leveling can go nuts grinding on Normal, while the regular folks that enjoy the regular or XPpot faster leveling can still get that :thinking:


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