Lightning/Ele Trickster -- Entertainment Purposes Only

So my lvl 100 Trickster has been sitting collecting dust for some time now. He had been set up as my only “pure bleeding” character, relying on RoS and devouring swarm mainly. But as cool as he looked, I just found playing with him to be tedious and unrewarding. So I decided to completely respec him as an elemental build, using a heavily modified shadow strike (thanks to a conduit of night whispers) to deal mainly lightning damage, with some sprinklings of fire/cold.

Just look at this goofball:

GT Link: Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Let me first be clear that this is NOT a build to be studied, and by no means should even glance at SR. This a build purely for the fun of it, something that I found unexpected and silly, yet for me a complete hoot to use. I also should note that this build is by no means complete yet – I still have a metric shit ton of grinding ahead of me. But in the meantime I wanted to share because maybe I can also share some of the happiness and fun it has already brought me :blush:

The key of this build is it’s elemental RR, mobility with SS, and a boatload of granted skills doing lightning stuff. Basically he is designed to go zipping about the field whilst raining lightning from the skies and elemental hellstorms across the ground. As he currently stands he has a combined 118% elemental RR, sourced from the following:

• Wind Devil (Raging Tempest) – 34% elemental RR, + 2x8% elemental RR from dual Segarius’ Sacred blades.

• Horns of Korvaak (Korvaak’s Vengeance) – 25% elemental RR

• Elemental Storm (devotion) – currently @ 25 flat elemental RR

• Hand of Ultos (devotion) – currently @ 18% elemental RR

I will note that the Horns of Korvaak made A LOT more sense when I was still using savagery, but then I replaced it with Beonath’s Fury so I could re-invest the points in boosting my wind devils. That being said, I still don’t have the heart to get rid of it because it brings such great RR to the fold, AND looks god damn insane, so I’m keeping it for now. Anyway, hopefully this can bring some of you some silly inspiration or entertainment at the very least!

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