When i loaded my save, only a few villagers were able to move, as the rest were stuck underground along with all buildings. I verrified the files, as well as making sure the save was in the right place, as instructed. No problems found with DxDiag tool.
Update: all my savefiles are corrupted… starting over i guess
Keep the save please, Crate may want you to upload it for them to have a look at when they’re back online.
good you are telling me, i deleted all but one of them. Let me know what you need.
Could you please upload that save for us to take a look? Thanks!
Always good to preserve saves with issues so those issues can be addressed.
I have the same issue. Everything is flat, no water, mountains etc.
Here the save files:
sorry for the inconvinience, i think managed to delete the file… i will remember for next time lol.
Is there something you have done special?
I have first started a new game (new map).- after 2-3 map generations I decided to open my previous game from yesterday, It has workes, I played it. I wanted to re-load a stand because I was at the toilet and forgot to stop. And the save files were corupted.
Maybe there is an mix of maps…
So the issue to check there is whether the saves ended up in the town folder.
Saves are located in:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save
See if anything is in the wrong place, and if so, move it back. A fix is coming soon for this.
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