Looking for 2h-ranged Tactician Build Suggestion

Hi guys this is the first build ever I play that is not from the grimdawn compendium, i have asked from the forums for suggestion before and now the build is done , it works quite well so far but i think the component and the augments are abit off , as for the devotion aswell , can anyone help me polish this build further?

Won’t comment on itemization cause I can’t control what you have. Use Ravager’s eye on weapon cause DA is quite low. Pretty sure you can afford to lose some damage. Softcap death sentence immediately (don’t wait for level 100. Just do it). Aura of conviction over Oleron’s rage. Leave field command at 12/12 and squad tactics at 12. Same with deadly aim. I prefer maxing seal over steel resolve but whatever floats your boat. won’t comment on devotioms cause it’s hard to view on mobile.

Also, 2h ranged tactician but elemental: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=617905#post617905

Thx but if i switch to aura of conviction should i swap the pants and gloves aswell? as they are there because the provide bonus to oleron’s rage, and you’re are more than welcome to recommend other gears, i can always trade them

Dude, that was fast :smiley:
I agree on swaping Oleron’s rage to the Aura. Pants and gloves are still BiS I think, because anyway you don’t have much better ones for piercing build afaik.
Not sure why you went to Marko. Advantage over Bursting round. I would have done the opposite. For the DA shred? If it works then keep it…

Have you consider 2 Bladetwister signet? Combined with a Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means belt, you can have 100% elemental to pierce conversion, meaning Arcane Seal and empowerment would gives you pierce damage over elemental one. On paper, it looks great. And It would allow you to cap Ranged expertise. And make bursting rounds (and all over Inqui WPS) makes more pierce damage. And Death sentence would also make pierce in addition to reduction res. And… and… My god, I am getting overexcited :wink: More serioulsy, it looks good on paper but I haven’t tried it, may be someone with more exp could tell you more about it. It is something I have in mind but no time to try.

Apart from that, I would get only 12 in fighting form and deadly aim. Death sentence as much as possible for the RR (pierce RR is quite rare I think, you are lucky to have a good one so benefit from it!).
Devotion-wise, I don’t want to rewrite it completely but I would consider Assassin and Hydra (espcially if you go for the full elemental conversion).

Item-wise, Doom is a good relic. I don’t know if you want to consider Vengeance as an alternative for more DA.

I like the build very much. I want to do one now.

I have made one base on your suggestion , not sure its better tho


Or like that. The green medal is probably just a dream, but basically if you find something which gives you DA and/or the missing res, you are good (I don’t see any BiS here). I haven’t used all the augments yet because the res were all overcapped already, so there is room to boost the res once you get rid of the rylok crest.

EDIT: Just realized I forgot Fighting Spirit! Few points might be moved there…