Looking for a build for the crucible without gear depend

What the title says, nothing more… i open to any suggestions :slight_smile:

That does not exist, you will need close to optimal gear for the Crucible…

^ Yeah, I don’t think that’s a huge possibility. You could probably manage the lowest difficulty, but… Not the highest one.

Ok well, in that case… i looking for some build that not necesary need a Markovian or any other set legendary complete or most of the parts. Sorry for my english by the way; in a few words, a build not so demanding 'cause most of the best objects are droping in Crucible (i know in the game drop too, but the time is a problem for me) or have more rate to drop than in the story mode.

Crucible really only ends up “better” for drops if you’re running the top end of the Crucible. I don’t really think Crucible is the best way to farm for gear to REACH the top levels of the Crucible, because at that point it’s about the same as the campaign, except you can’t target-farm for MIs in Crucible.

As for generally not very gear-restrictive… AAR, Fire Strike, DEE, all simple enough to start with without a ton of gear. I’m told BWC isn’t too bad, but I have yet to make a build for that. Probably more I’m not aware of. Generally I’d suggest Fire Strike because it’s got a lot of support in various pieces of gear, and a lot of varieties. You could get one of like 4 different legendary 2Hs, and make a version of Fire Strike with each. And that’s just 2H Ranged. 1H Ranged, and 1 and 2H Melee are also well supported options. Fire, Fire/Chaos, Aether/Fire, Fire/Lighting, Fire/Phys/Int Trauma… All of them can get some Burn in there as well.

You can farm challenger to get required gear then move on to Gladiator.

S&B builds can do that wel enough even without super gear. Caster Conjurer is pretty tanky as well

If you need to farm for specific pieces of gear, then the Tyrant’s Hold blacksmith is a good place to go. You can craft specific slots, provided you have lots of rare materials (Blood/Brain/Heart).

The fastest way to farm those (and have a reasonable chance of legendaries to drop on the side) is to run the first floor of Bastion of Chaos. There is a guaranteed trove there, and takes 2-3 minutes to run.

Legolas you literally slid down the stairs on a fucking shield while firing arrows. You can solo anything :rolleyes:

You need good gear for Crucible anyway, even for Challenger difficulty. Even for gear-independtant builds like Vitality Conjurer…

But he’s legolas2, so he might be his not so skilled successor.

As Superfluff already said, go with S&B and farm Challenger, if possible. Usually, you gear up via Vanilla game/Challenger to run Gladiator. Farming vanilla can be very successfull too.

The task is to find the items neccessary to create a character, being able to farm Gladiator.

to the OP:
from my point of view the most flexible crucible build right now without highend gear is DEE witchblade. :wink:

Excuse ignorance, but S&B?? lol, i’m not that great like legolas, even worse than the Cage legolas version xD

Yes, the idea is to collect item and make a build for the Gladiator… i have a 85 Warder Retaliation with shitty DPS, a 85 Elemental/Sorcerer Dual wielding (have some DPS but i dont figure out how increase DA, or in a simple way, not diyng a LOT), and a really bad Spellbreaker 75 ho blow it and it falls apart.

With the Warder, the Crucible take me (challenger) a couple hours :furious: seems to me a lot. The Sorcerer died in the first dificult, and the spellbreaker you imagine…

Thanks btw for everything, and again sorry for my English :cool: