Looking for a powerful, Barbarian-like build

I mean you just wanna complete the game on Normal mode, yes?

You can go with basically any skills then since Normal mode is like a tutorial.

Soldier have four attacks: cadance, forcewave, blitz and blade arc.

Another fun way of playing a D3-like barbarian build is to go with Oathkeeper and Vires Might - for a Furious charge like playstyle. The soldier blitz is similar, but Vire you do not need a target so you can rush over a bunch of monsters and leaving a trail of fire and burn damage.

But back to forcewave, yes the transmuter is totally worth it since most bosses are resistant to stunning. The thing you need to focus on with transmuted forcewave is to get casting speed (NOT attackspeed) and some way of regenerating energy (like ectoplasm, or the talisman relic from the “lost elder” quest. When completing the quest, select “no I did not find a talisman” and you will get a decent low-tier relic with an energy regen skill)

The damage reduction have to be countered by the fact that you can cast 5-10 of those forcewave attacks over the otherwise existing cooldown. non-transmuted forcewave is mostly used to inflict internal trauma which is a form of damage over time (dot). So, one-handed and transmyted forcewave is more for a sword and board, kiting playstyle

If you need help, you can look on youtube for a dude named “malagant” he as a series for Deathknight. The first episodes should get you a good idea on how to get started.

PoE campaign was meant to be a tutorial before the main game - maps. At least they say so in PoE articles or forums. First three acts are enjoyable.
Then around act V hell starts, you keep dying on bosses like 20 times in a row. But psychologically it is hard for you to uninstall the game because you’ve already invested like 8 hours into this, so you keep going and everythig gets slower and slower. On the final boss Kitava act X I died about 60 times(it doesn’t regenerate while you respawn), because I wanted to kill this one myself. And my marauder was pretty consistent tank build my only weakness was poor gear. Maybe that is why you treat you guys like those PoE veterans, you have optimal end game builds.

But as for Grim Dawn so far so good. I like forcewave very much. Thanks for the recommendation. Invest only 12 points into this as you said in the video?
How about my other points ? How many into rending force or internal trauma(if i get there).

I really like passive abilities (and dislike activated abilities)- is military conditioning good? Or is it better to use those points to max soldiers rank as much as possible?

Wouldn’t it be good to skip shaman altogether and just invest everything into soldier ?

Military condition is good, but you dont need it, better spend point in mastery bars.

My video is aimed towards a level 100 build, I almost do not talk about leveling actually. But you should max it, I cant believe that I said “12 points only” :stuck_out_tongue: its your main dmg skill.

Why do you wanna do a warder (soldier + shaman)? it will do nothing for your physical dmg forcewave. Get Necro and spectral wrath, or occultust and Curse of fraility and win. IF you like passives, you will enjoy necro more as second class.

At level 40, your Death Knight (soldier + necro) could look like this, skill wise https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqA5JpZ

warlord EOR? thats as close as your standard barbarian build.

I’m pretty sure you’ve had 12 out of 16 points in forcewave. Maybe I misunderstood sth. Anyway I have 16 already.

I would prefer Shaman because Necromancy sucks. Magic is not my style, neither are ranged attacks. Any other class that suits my Barbarian-tank forcewave soldier? Preferably passive skills which increase resistances/health/armour/dmg. Soldier is going to be my main class anyway.

I enjoy Grim Dawn as of act I, I even want to do sidequests. But first 3 chapters of PoE were very good too so I need to restrain myself from saying whether this one is better so early. Although I sense that GD is much more true to the original (Diablo).

Love Forcewave !

Perhaps I said something like “you do not have to max forcewave right away until you get energy managment figured out” but later on yeah definitely max it. The video is like 50 min long, and I have not watched in several months. So can you give me the time-stamp where I say 12/16 Forcewave I can help you more :slight_smile:

You will not use the “magic” or “necromancy” of the necromancer, you will use its passive skill and debuff Spectral Binding and Spectral wrath.

If you do not care about which class will benefit you in the most objective way (e.g. necro or occultist) but have some “theme restrictions” you should go with Oathkeeper for its passive skills, buffs, and movement skill.

Shaman… what would you use there… Heart of the oak skill line? Perhaps grasping wines for some crowd control, Wendigo totem for some extra heal (but counts as summoning/magic from a lore/theme perspective)

You can compare games in 10000 ways. My self I do not compare games until I have played all difficulties and made several chars. If you wanna compare two similar games after one or two acts in the easiest difficulty you are of course free to do so.

Forget the forcewave I must have misunderstood sth.

But which skills of necro or occultist? They all seem totally useless (to me of course). So please name which skills should I take, and how many points to invest in them.

I’m not in a hurry to choose a second class - I’m level 15 or so I guess I can play a bit longer without choosing the second one.
I definietly want the one which benefits me the most in gameplay easiness.

In physical build with Soldier both Occultist and DK are for support function.For DK you need max Spectral binding and Spectral wrath and 10 points in MoT.From Occultist you need CoF-10,Blood of Dreeg and Aspect at 16 and 12 points.

OK so less points needed to invest into necromancer. So be it, spectral binding.

How about devotions? Which are the most important ones for me (barbarian tank 2handed weapon)? Decided to check beforehand where are the shrines and do every single one as I progress.

Assassin’s blade for -physical RR,bound to skill with low cd,like Forcewave or Cadence,Ulzaad for monster damage and armor,Kraken is very good constellation for two-handers.

So many questions and then another confusing thing appears… Forgotten Gods content.

Act VII -should I finish it first or focus on the main campaign and get back there later?
Which witch :slight_smile: faction to choose for my Soldier focused Death Knight? Can’t find specific bonuses they offer.

You can do FG whenever you want. There is a free helm to grab in the desert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rltY_sXpeo8 which has level 50 req in Normal/elite and that helm is pretty good. So it can be worth to push some FG content util you get that helm and level 50 which will make AoM acts a bit easier.

If you plan to get further than normal difficulty you kinda need/want this faction gear from FG faction vendors:
https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/11634 and revered tier
so side with Bysmiel on all difficulties to get to high faction status with them first.

Devos: extactly as Nery said. Get assassisn mark and kraken first, then you can get Ghol for its lifesaver proc
Something like this (25 devo points) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNkK1qdN
Assassin blade
remove yellow
toad (life steal)
hawk (OA)
Sailor compass (defensive stats)
remove blue
Ghoul up to proc

Only 7 acts at normal that is for sure. but doing shrines systematically one by one. But it doesn’t mean that my character can be weak - on the contrary my level is probably below average because i kind of rush through the locations (after I resigned to do all sidequests).

Your help is very important. I would have never guessed that Hawk is any good. Thought myself that Lotus is the best but maybe that is because of MtG:)
Should I refund Ghoulish Hunger if it only works with spectral binding? Also assasin blade if this grants pierce damage does it work with 2H warhammers?(blunt weapons)

What are next useful constelations after Kraken? I’ll get there really soon

And right now I don’t know what to invest in Soldier after Internal Trauma. Veterancy? Decorated soldier?
Is Mark of torment worth to invest so many points in Necromancer just to get there? Spectral wrath is maxed.

Lotus can be good instead of hawk and you get some nice yellow points from it too

Why should ghoulish hunger only work with spectral binding? Bind it to any permanent passive skill, like bind it to Field command (soldier skill)

After kraken, considering getting Ulzaad devotion, at least up to its proc skill.

Crab is decent too, also gives you a nice damage shield skill.
Bards harp can be good, nodes gives some resistances and energy. Proc gives OA/DA, slow res, energy regen.

Next step in soldier is to get some war cry and break morale, and work your way to Oleron rage. Mark of torment is good enough with just a few points, but spend most of your points into soldier stuff