Looking For A Pyromancer Build

Do you think a mod that will give say 2 more hounds but also duration and low cooldown (similar to transmuted blighthounds) might make pet pyro more interesting?

Yes, definitely.


I considered that one as well, but it having no burn damage boost at all really lowers the appeal for me.

Toyed with mod tools a bit. The “Lives for 12 Seconds” part doesn’t work for some reason though.

EDIT: found out that doggos collision box is much smaller than their model, so they could walk into each other. Welp, goofy.



Yeah, doggos be doggos

How was the experience with actually playing it? Any vast improvements? OP/balanced/crap?

Tbh, I think having 3 Hounds being permanent instead of temporary could still work without being OP provided it is a set bonus that also blocks out stuff like Bysmiel’s Trinkets.

You know that I don’t play pet builds, right? :rofl:
I just made an item, made a lvl 100 occultist and checked how it works, that’s all.

Join the Pet side, we have fluffies :yum:

But yeah, having more hounds, temorary/permanent would certainly help with making a Hellhound based build instead of it being a support only pet that happens to be the worst of all mastery pets, even when you pump up all its skills to the max.

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Because people always said, no melee Pyromancer, I will make one to prove them wrong!

Of course, after I wrote this, will look like fool if I fail :rofl:

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I will join when Hellhounds get same love as birbs

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arcanist.zip (34.8 KB)

If you’re curious you could try it out. Don’t mind the name. I’ve never shared mods before or installed other people’s stuff, but it should be like that:

  1. Unpack into /Grim Dawn/mods/
  2. Launch Grim Dawn, select custom game and choose the mod
  3. Make a character
  4. GDstash it

Will give it a try when I get the time. Ty :blush: