So I bought this game a week ago, and I’m having a blast playing atm.
I’m leveling my arcanist and he’s been fun, but atm I’m stuck in one class, and I know I’ll have to pick another class in Elite and above.
I absolutely love the feel of Albrecht’s Aether Ray, and I’ve been trying to find a build around it, but apparently nobody here plays it, and the only builds I’ve found are old B26 build’s.
I looked into all the classes to see what would complement a build around it, and settled for Occultist.
Here’s the build : would love to have advice on it.
From what i’ve read around here, some builds can’t make it to the end-end game so don’t hesitate to destroy it, or even recommend a better Albrecht’s Aether Ray build !
I really wouldike to play a real caster, because from what i’ve seen so far casters around here are just pale melee, with melee skills, and that doesn’t really appeal to me.
Thanks in advance for your help guys !
Edit : Apparently I can’t post builds for some reason, here’s the quick jist : main click Albrecht’s Aether Ray, right click callidor’s tempest, everything maxed out. Olexra’s flash freeze maxed out for cc
Toggled are Maiven’s sphere of protection and Possession
Passives are 1 point in all warlock bottom lane, and hellhound upto hellfire (maxed out)