Everything is always salvageable, you can absolutely build a dual wield Sorcerer. It’s probably not gonna be as good as a Canister Bomb/Grenado Sorc, but it can still beat the game and farm.
I’m no expert, but I’d take the points out of Grenado, Ulzuin’s Chosen, Hellfire Mine, and Mortar Trap and add them to the Arcanist mastery until you get it to 32. The extra health alone will make you much tankier. Take Explosive strike down to at least 9 points which is where diminishing returns kick in. Then one point Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Arcane Will, Overload, and Conversion. Put the rest of your points in Maiven’s Sphere of Protection. As you level up, aim for getting Arcanist to level 50 so you can get Reckless Power. Max it.
Get a feel for using Mirror and Nullification, they’ll keep you alive when you really shouldn’t be.
A quick search found this dual wield Sorcerer. You can use it for ideas.