Looking for mod recommendations

Want to get back into GD after a long time, but I want this game to have slightly different gameplay for better pacing and somewhat feel freshier.

Mainly I have issue with 2 concepts:

  • To have less trash mod spawns, but for enemies to be generally stronger.
  • To be a lot less one button masher, and more into multiskill, where having around 6-8 active skills to be highly beneficial instead of having 1-2 overpowered ones.

Now, I know it goes straight up against philosophy of any ARPG and GD in particular, but maybe there are mods that solve these things made by people who have similar perspective.

Second issue I partially managed to solve myself by slightly tweaking classes and progression, but having mod with better implementation, that takes into account world spawns and difficulty would be nice to have. Because with my tweaks it appeared a bit off, balance wise.

And lastly, I have 3 characters, each of them with 3 playthroughs (minus Forgotten Gods) and losing all that progress to play with new mod would hurt a bit. Is it possible to convert characters without messing up too much variables? Or converting characters at all, for that matter?

P.S. Still impossible to use custom classes in Crucible btw?