Looking for suggestions and tips in order to improve - [Hardcore] Dual-wielding physical Tactician

Yes, that is very interesting. I will definitely at least change the relic on my character to deathstalker, possibly the amulet as well, although so far, the character is a success. I assume you’re also playing on Hardcore?

I went a little bit more defensive route in terms of devotions, to get some extra health regeneration, but what you posted will definitely help me further improve. I got used to Doom, it actually works extremely well against a ton of monsters, sends them flying around and making them much easier to kill but -%physical resistance is very hard to pass by yea… Thank you. I will start farming that relic blueprint.

I think what basically is going on is that tactican (maybe surpsingly) has not got any physical RR escept flat war cry one.

Which would explain this ‘weird’ crab turtle setup with amu and relic with rings, although, to be fair… it’s become meta to use deathstalker in almost every physical build. It was so much used in past that devs had to nerf it a bit from 10 to 8% if I remember correctly.

Relic still rocks tho.

I see… Yea. I would’ve probably chosen the Deathstalker as well, but unfortunately it never dropped for me, it’s only 10% chance from what I understand from a single enemy (I am not sure if multiple of those spawn), and besides I only recently cleared out the Ancient grove on my Archon so yea, hopefully it drops very soon…

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Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator this what i used not dual wield

Very interesting, using a ranged 1h with a shield, this is also something that came to my mind at one point. I remembered the Oathkeeper set so I was thinking What If. Anyways this looks very interesting. How’s your damage on this particular character?

hmm cant remeber but its prety tanky,and all atacs were almost passthru.unfortunatly char got deleted after i reinstaled windows

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