You just download the new version:
extract it in the same directory as the old one are, run the exe, go to the configuration tab and click “import database” at the bottom.
Dude. Not that I need to explain myself to you or anyone, but…
In my 1.2k hours of GD - the first 800-900 hours were clocked without GDstash.
The remaining 300-400 hours were clocked with gdstash.
When I made the decision to use GDstash, I use a specific tab of my smuggler’s loot box solely for non-legit items so I wouldn’t contaminate my legit ones.
I would also create GDstash toons immediately after to transfer said non-legit items from my smuggler to their own personal storage to further ‘quarantine’ them.
I would not give away anything which isn’t legit as that might impinge on how others want to play the game.
EDIT: Perhaps you’re right. I wouldn’t know. It seems pretty obvious to me and x1x1x1x2. However, if you have a better way of phrasing things, please feel free to type it out here, and I’ll copy and paste it into the OP.
2nd EDIT: Also, I’m not FORCING anyone to take my shit. It is simply an offer. If my items are for whatever reason perceived to be ‘dirty,’ no one has to take them.
Dudette, this part of your post shows exactly your intention to pawn gdstash crafted items as found based on your responses. You don not have to verify your skills to me I am well aware.!!!
Again, not that it’s ANY of your business - Big cheese mad_lee is a super insane purist and he doesn’t use GDstash to test builds. He merely pointed out to me that I, unlike him, use GDstash a lot.
Hence, he decided to ask if I’d be willing to test out a couple of build ideas we might be working on together.
It has NOTHING to do with me wanting to pawn non-legit items. I mean, heck. I’m not even asking for ANYTHING in return.
Look man. I’m uncertain as to the point you’re trying to make here. I’m just trying to do something nice for the community.
Edit: I’m also not trying to ‘verify’ my skills to anyone. I’m just trying to explain how/why I view the items I’m giving away are indeed legit.
Some peeps do care as to the origin of items. You can give away what ever you want but some like to know if found or constructed. You original post clearly shows the origin and you should not spoil their game.
I was never good at sugarcoating things, so I’ll be direct. I do apologize if I come across as offensive.
Firstly, you are claiming that you know how I obtained the items I’m going to give away better than I do.
May I point out to you that you are operating solely on an assumption? And like my dad always says, when you assume things, you make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’.
I suppose at the end of the day there is no foolproof litmus test for me to truly verify if my items are indeed legit. It would boil down to a question of trust/suspicion then. If you find my action too suspicious, I can understand your perspective.
Regardless, thanks for looking out for the purists in the community. Again, the items I’m giving away were found before my decision to use GDstash. But if GDstash automatically makes all my items dirty, then I suppose I am giving away tainted goods.
True, but that IS what he said!! No gain to you or me for sure!! Again, as he says gdstash items from theory crafting. Why a theory craft wants to be popular? I can not know for sure!! But, I do know, he is not truthful!!!