Lost legendary from crash

I was hosting a game and my friend went to remove a component from an item. I wasn’t doing anything just standing there and the moment he clicked keep item it crashed my game. I started a new game my friend joined again and his shoulders that he had in the inventor to remove the component are gone. He says this isn’t the first time he has lost an item like this and that is rediculous.

I love this game but the bugs are almost enough to make me loath it to the point of not playing. I’ve had plenty of bugs myself like my auras killing friendly players and plenty of crashes.

To have the game’s own system cause a crash and then cause an item to disappear and not some kind of safety measure throwing it back in your inventory is unacceptable in a game like this. Spend hours to get that legendary you’ve been looking for to have it lost by the games own incompetency. I’m afraid to use the inventor now cause I don’t want to lose any items myself. Any game like this if similair happened the item would just be put back in your inventory or something not just lost entirely. My friend is very upset right now and rightly so.

I was so excited for the expansion but to see so many bugs that still persist it seems like things like this should have been fixed by now and I’d rather have a functioning game that doesn’t crash at stupid moments than more content ATM. The crashes are frustrating but tolerable untill you lose an item you’ve spent a long time trying to get. I worry the expansion is going to just bring more bugs with how many are still persistent in the base game.

Been playing this for a year and still get more crashes then I should from a stable game. I was willing to put up with them till the games bugs start causing you to lose items that is not ok this game is about getting badass loot and shouldn’t have instances where you can lose that at no fault of your own you are just doing things the way the game wants you and it triggers a crash and a loss of the item please fix this I’m sure my friend isn’t the only one to have it crash with an item in the inventor and lost said item. I’m sure it could be coded as STILL IN YOUR INVENTORY when it’s also in the inventor so that if the game crashes it’s still there and not just GONE.

To be fair, most games that contain a feature where you must place an item in a secondary menu (socketing with Charsi in D2 for example) will eat the item if the game crashes while the item isn’t in your inventory. It’s pretty common that when the item is out of your inventory during a crash, the game will eat the item. We also used this as an exploit back in D2 to duplicate items by desyncing the server and forcing the game to crash while the item was out of the inventory.

Still, you should have posted this in the bug reporting section. This game is known to contain bugs and glitches - especially with multiplayer - but Crate is also well known for squashing these bugs ASAP. The process from reading a bug report to replicating the bug to figuring out what exactly causes the bug to fixing the bug is a long process, but it’s a process these developers seem to take seriously. Personally, in over 500 hours in this game, I’ve ran into two major bugs and those were both during B24. The rest of the bugs and glitches I’ve encountered were silly things like walking through objects, falling through stairs, etc.

My advice is to post about the bug in the Bug Reporting section located here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28 with detailed information about the bug/glitch itself. Then maybe post about what happened to you in the General Discussion forum to see if someone there is nice enough to replace what was lost. If it was a Meat Shield, I typically find two of those every time I play and would gladly give them away.

Either way, best of luck and exercise caution next time you’re playing co-op.