Lurker from the Netherlands

Hello everyone!

I’m new to the forums, but not new to Grim Dawn itself. My boyfriend was already a member of this forum and when the Kickstarter project was started I decided to fund as well.

But I guess this is an introduction thread and not the place to spam about how awesome this project is looking thus far, so maybe I should introduce myself heh.

I’m Celestral, 21 years old, from the Netherlands. I’m a student at Utrecht University where I study Gametechnology (a new direction within computer sciences). My hobbies are actually mostly gaming and collecting anything dragon-related, but lately I found myself addicted to Facebook. I’m trying to cut that down as it heavily cuts down on my gaming time.

Favourite foods:
Spaghetti with a sauce by my father’s recipe
Hamburgers and fries from McDonald’s
Anything fat, greasy and unhealthy mostly…

Favourite drinks:
Energy drink
Though I try to mostly drink water

Favourite game series:
Final Fantasy
Harvest Moon
I know this combination makes no sense.

Well that’s about it I guess, don’t really know what else I should put here… Though if you have any answers you can just ask away!

Hi Celestral,

That’s just fine I think :slight_smile:

Well that’s about it I guess, don’t really know what else I should put here…

You did fairly well :wink:

Though if you have any answers you can just ask away!

Now you even want me to answer my own questions? Honestly! shakeshead :stuck_out_tongue:

… welcome to forumhood, you ex-lurker :smiley:

You like gaming, dragons and have funded the game. adds you to the not-to-be sacrificed checklist. Welcome to the forum, your Cultist equipment will be arriving in the mail… ignore the bloodstains.


Welcome! I have a fairly obvious question:

What’s his username? :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome to the forums - I do usually try to write some of my description in the language of the person introducing themselves but Dutch and English are so similar that it seemed unnecessary.

However keen to avoid accusations of prejudice:

Hallo en welkom

Wait, what?

Hi and welcome. I hope you enjoy being active in these forums, you easily find yourself addicted to here too.

i cut those crap 5 years ago when i learnt that for every McDonalds meal i ate, i could have eaten 10 of those at home:S! from then on i never stepped in their shop, not mentioning the queues and crowding.

Calm down now, calm down. do not let dragonwolf capture another victim.

glares at Executioneer This one is not a victim, and the term is Sacrifice and all of them are willing I swear . Besides Celestral has three marks for her putting her firmly in the do not sacrifice list. Dragons, Games and funding :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey now, what kind of community would we be if we didn’t have some overdramatic tension between the priestesses and the law enforcement?

Pfft. I’m not afraid of you. You are but one, we are a legion…
ok, maybe I am… a little. edges away slowly

For some reason, I imagine ours to be a battle of er… well, “epic” proportions.

EDIT: Celestral, I hope we didn’t scare you off. I gotta let my inner geek out sometimes :slight_smile:

We’ll need blow-up swords and plastic shields though. Blow-up mallets just don’t do it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t mind us, this place is a breeding ground for the wierd and peculiar. After a while you stop noticing how strange it is and wonder why the rest of the world isn’t anywhere near as much fun. :smiley: