[Mage Hunter] Aetherstorm Lord, Aether/Lightning AAR [HC V1.0.3.0]

Hey, nice build, i have a question.

Where do you put Wayward Soul? i currently have it on Maiven’s Sphere but i dont know if its optimal to use it on that skill.


Use it on Arcane Will.

LVL 100 grimcalc with no +skills would be nice.

Hold Control+Shift to hide plus-skills in GrimTools

Thanks for that ;).

I want a pure elemental aar, pure fire or lightning. Is it possible with the present gear system?

also… https://www.grimtools.com/db/items/7856

also it is sad to see mythical stormseer converts fire to cold? :cry:

good build anyway!

Not playing in a couple of months I come with my usual stupid quest: Is this still viable after 1.0.4 and 1.0.5?

  1. ITEMS

At a quick glance I saw some buffs:

Aetherbolt Pendant: increased Lightning damage modifier for Aether Ray to 45
Mythical Gildam Arcanum Commendation: increased Elemental damage modifier for Word of Pain to 80

and something I am not sure about:

Mythical Temporal Tempest: added 100% of Fire converted to Lightning and 10-100 Lightning damage modifiers for Word of Pain


Aura of Censure buff but its not used. Maybe it willbe added to this?

should still be pretty viable. Imo the buffs to items only slightly increases the damage output. going aura of censure would hurt oa a bit but should not really make a huge difference to this build should you choose it over conviction

not to discount this build but panetti has surpassed aar especially on this maage hunter variant. even the single target damage which aar is known for is already matched/beaten not to mention u have 1 million percent more AoE while aar has zero:rolleyes:

Could anyone help me with the order to do the devotions on this build.

Edit: Nevermind I see it now in the guide!

For Valdaran’s Shoulderguards, you can replace the “of Vitality” suffix with “of Kings” and then take out the point in Empty Throne and put it in Lion. You will have 223 less HP but you’ll have 80% reduced stun duration (with 10% overcap) and 55 more DA. IDK, maybe someone will like this setup :smiley:

What I wanted to ask is if we should remove any component,skill point or devotion after they “buffed” AR in the last patch (less energy cost). Prolly Yes.

My char is only lvl 84 on hc atm. Hope Ill be 100 tonight

later edit: whelp, i got 8500 hp at lvl 90 :confused: