Make conversation less awkward

just by changing only a couple of things.

When the player initiates dialogue with someone the game should put him in the normal relaxed pose and the models will turn to face each other. Talking to people while pointing a hand cannon to their mouths seems a little bit strange(if not lazy for such a fantastic game).

Extra points if the dialogue box receives some love as well for a more professional look. :slight_smile:

try clicking on the ground right in front of characters you wish to speak to (make sure your character is far enough from that spot so that your char can move there), then wait until your character drop their ‘aiming’ pose (return to their neutral pose, so to speak, its around 5 secs), then click on the character you want to talk to to start conversation. your character will stay in neutral pose while talking.
i know its kinda complicated, but it works for me.

I tried it just now on Rook the gatekeeper of Devil’s Crossing but the character will either move behind him and change to a relaxed stance, or stays in front and maintains the combat ready stance. It depends on the distance between the two characters when you first click. :confused:

That would be decent! Remember ol Diablo where one was not even allowed to cast spells in town? Came a long way to sticking up guns in your conversation partners mouth while talking to them.

I like when I point my gun to Lokarr while we’re talking in Crucible. “Come on plant,the loot or your life”