similar has been suggested before, also with Dirge of Arkovia iirc
would in general be cool if more bosses has a “fixed” thematic blueprint to drop/in their pool, both for acquisition source(doesn’t have to be 100% ofc), but also like they have some relation or just shared interest in the same item we’re after
See I don’t like how the Mistoborn Talisman has a chance to drop from Voldrak. Either give it to me or not. If you’re not gonna give it to me for beating Voldrak, then put it in the loot pool with the rest of the items, let it drop anywhere.
idono, perhaps i’m old, i just feel like if a bunch of stuff has 100% drop chance it gets less awesome, like specialness is tied to a bit of rarity (doesn’t mean 0.001% chance ofc)
so for me/my personal mindset voldrak’s 20’ish% mistborn chance seems neat/more neat than if 100
either way bosses carrying direct blueprints/more direct blueprints is a good idea, or perhaps might even say “necessary”, it feels more appropriate atleast i think
Mistborn Talisman is not rare. You just have to kill Voldrak 5 times to get it. There’s no surprise or anything. Just a little chore you have to do on a new play through. If it dropped from all trolls, for example, I’d be fine with a pretty low drop rate.
I think it’s good to give players little rewards for completing milestones. For example, If you beat Krieg, you get to make a relic. A few more milestone drops would be cool I think.
I didn’t know Mistborn was turned into MI. The problem with this is of different nature: first you have to know it drops there. That’s part of why I don’t like MIs.
Two monsters can drop it, each with 18 % chance. The way I play, I meet them only once per difficulty, so 6 opportunities total per character.
The chance of not finding the blueprint this way is 30 %. Is my math correct? (1-0.18)^6=0.3
Mistborn is an ingredient in other blueprints and I may be unable to make any of them, because I have no idea where to find it.
The name: “Mistborn” may act as a clue, but spawn locations of Mistborn monsters are not consistent with blueprint drop locations. Flavour text of this relic mentions trolls, but that’s also pretty broad. I don’t remember if ingredients in blacksmith’s window even show flavour in tooltip. But first of all I would have to guess, that this blueprint is an MI which doesn’t come from random totems like all others and I have to search in specific place.
didn’t it always drop from voldrak?
atleast i don’t remember a specific update it got changed into that , (but not like the game doesn’t have a couple years behind it now )