Male and female character have different attack speeds for gundw Smite

The gundw (guns with double weapon) Smite of male characters is significantly faster than that of female characters.

By interpreting the document, it was found that the gundw Smite of male characters has a 1.3-fold acceleration, while female characters do not have this acceleration effect (possibly omitted by careless).



I think this is a bug and need be fixed. I love the female characters in GD and don’t want such an ‘unfair’ situation to exist.

Looks like a copy paste error gave the male PC a faster animation than intended. Will be fixed in v1.2.1.4.


Thank you very much. Glad to receive a reply so quickly.

Feel a bit sad that not speeding up female Smite attack speed, but slowing down male Smite attack speed. :sob:

After all, most WPS have acceleration (from 1.1-fold to 1.6-fold).

thank you :V

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