I use the Mark of Consumption medal in several builds using either Blade Arc and Upheaval, however, there is no Bleeding type color change to the skills involved.
I think this can be a fantastic visual change to make Blade Arc have a Bleeding swipe just like the glorious Bleeding effect coming in FoA with the Bloodfangs WPS. (It’s a large ask I know!)
Additionally, if the item modifier for Upheaval could cause it to become a Blood explosion that would be equally awe inspiring. Is there already some effect that could be used here to similar effect? Maybe something like Gutsplosion from Gutsmasher, but more bloody and less Golden Physical color?
Maybe if you were feeling generous, this could also be a thing for Bloody Phantasmal Blades?
There are color mods for lots of other damage types for these skills, how about Bleeding too?!
I like this idea. And at least for Upheaval, I’d suggest adding a blood effect, but not altering/removing the current lightning effect as the skill still has the lightning damage on it after all. (and might be used for hybrid lightning + bleed builds (e.g. w. primal strike/savagery))
For hybrid Lightning/Bleeding Savagery/Primal Strike you would use Mark of the Farseer in my opinion. No other option really and the combo is terrible. Maybe FoA will improve that possibility!
Mark of Consumption is used in Bleeding Upheaval build combos such as Vitality/Bleeding or Lightning/Bleeding and those aren’t great either. Upheaval doesn’t hit hard enough unless you’re stacking steroids on it with the Veilkeeper or Avenger Sets and even then it does hardly any Bleeding damage…
My suggestions were for (partly) meme purposes, but mostly to get the Blade Arc Bleeding visual effect since that is a decent build that can stack Bleeding damage to great effect!
I was thinking more from a “casual” pov. I think that the idea of trying to go lightning/bleed hybrid is not too farfetched for newer players as Savagery, Primal Strike and Upheaval all have Lightning & Bleed damage. For a serious endgame set I totally agree, doesn’t make much sense since there are better options. You would rather go for pure lightning and take any electrocute damage you can get along the way.
But for Blade Arc, yes definitely, it’s a great bleeding damage skill and a bleeding visual would be very fitting for this medal. For PB I like that it is just blades getting thrown into the target’s body without additional visuals. Feels more stealthy imo, but that’s just personal preference I guess